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(learned from my brother Herm Fitz who learned it from Barry Olivier)

(music to go here)

I once did know a farmer, a jolly good old soul,
I used to do a little work around his county home.
He had an only daughter, to win her I did try;
And when I asked the old man for her, this was his reply.
    Oh, treat my daughter kindly, and say you'll do no harm,
    And when I die I'll will to you my little house and farm,
    My horse, my plough, my sheep, my cows, my hogs and little barn,
    And all the baby chickens in the gar - - den.

I know I love this daughter, she says that she loves me,
We'll own this little place ourselves, we'll live so happily.
I'll always help her do her work, I'll view her every charm,
And many's the drink of milk I'll have before I leave the farm.
    Oh, treat my daughter kindly, (etc.>

Now the old man has consented and married we will be,
We'll own this little farm ourselves, and live contentedly.
I'll always help her do her work and treat her so kindly,
And ne'er forget the promise that the old man took of me.
    Oh, treat my daughter kindly, (etc.>

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)