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(written by Joan Baez)
(learned orally in about 1964 from her album)

staff with melody

All the weary mothers of the earth shall finally rest,
We shall take their babies in their arms and do our best.
When the sun is low upon the field
To love and music they will yield,
And the weary mothers of the earth shall rest.

And the farmer on his tractor and beside his plow
Shall stand there in confusion as we wet his brow
With the blood of all the businessmen
Who see what they have done to him,
And the weary farmers of the earth shall rest.

And the aching workers of the world again shall sing
These words in mighty choruses to all will bring:
"We shall no longer be the poor
For no one owns us any more,"
And the workers of the world again shall sing.

When the soldiers burn their uniforms in every land,
And the foxholes of the borders will be left unmanned,
General, when you come for your review,
The troops will have forgotten you,
And the men and women of the earth shall rest.

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)