(learned from songbooks in the early 1940s)
(words shown in English and Welsh)
Down yonder green valley
Ym Mhalas Llwyn On gynt
(from miriam berg's folksong collection)
where streamlets meander,
fe drigan pendefig
When twilight is fading
Ef e oedd ysgweiar
I pensively rove.
ac arglwydd y wlad.
Or at the bright noontide
Ac Iddo un eneth
in solitude wander
a anwydd yn unig
Among the dark shades
A hi 'nol yr hanes oedd
of the lonely Ash Grove.
aeres ei thad.
'Twas there where the blackbird
Aeth Cariad i'w gweled
is cheerfully calling
yn lan a phun iencyn
I first met that dear one,
Ond coddi'r ysgweiar
the joy of my heart.
yn afer ac erch
Around us for gladness
I saeth'r baeh genyn
the bluebells were springing--
And gwyrodd ei linyn
Ah, then little thought I
A'i ergydd yn wyrgam
how soon we would part.
ifynes ei ferch.
Still glows the bright sunshine
Rhy hwyr ydoedd galw
o'er valley and fountain;
y saoth at y llinyn.
Still warbles the blackbird
A'r llances yn maru
his notes from the tree.
yn welw a gwan.
Still trembles the moonbeam
By rythioddei gleddyf
o'er streamlet and fountain,
brwy galony llencyn.
But what are the beauties
Ond ni redai Cariad
of nature to me?
un fodfedd o'r fan?
With sorrow, deep sorrow,
'Roedd Golud ei 'Darper'
my heart it is laden;
yn han ae anynad
All day i go wand'ring
A geiriav diweddof
in search of my love.
yAeres hardd hon,
Ye echoes, oh, tell me
Oedd 'gwell genyff farw
where is the sweet maiden?
trwy ergyd fy Nghariad
She sleeps 'neath the turf
Na by gyda Golud
down by the Ash Grove.<
ym Mhalas Llwyn On.