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(learned in the early 1960s; taught by Atanas Kolarovski at Stockton Folk Dance Camp)

(music to go here)

Ajde Jano, kolo da igramo,
    (Come, Jana, and we'll dance a kolo)
\\Ajde Jano, ajde dušo, kolo da igramo\\
    (Come, Jana, come, sweetheart, and we'll dance a kolo)

Ajde Jano, konja da prodamo
    (Come, Jana, and we'll sell the horse)
Ajde Jano, ajde dušo, konja da prodamo
    (Come, Jana, come, sweetheart, and we'll sell the horse)
Ajde Jano, ajde dušo, kuču da prodamo
    (Come, Jana, come, sweetheart, and we'll sell the house.)

Da prodamo, samo da igramo
    (When we sell, it will be only in play)
\\Da prodamo, Jano dušo, samo da igramo\\
    (When we sell, Jano sweetheart, it will be only in play)

(from miriam berg's folk dance song collection)