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(learned from Toby Lighthizer in about 1967)

(music to go here)

He promised he would meet me at Linstead Market,
Take me out to the fair,
He promised he would meet me at Linstead Market,
Take me out to the fair.
    Oh, what a night, what a night,
    What a Saturday night!
    Oh, what a night, what a night,
    What a Saturday night!

Well, I waited and I waited at Linstead Market,
Until the hour of ten,//
    Oh, what a night...//

Everybody come to Linstead Market,
But not a sign of my Joe,//
    Oh, what a night...//

I found a letter at Linstead Market,
Explainin' everything to me,//
    Oh, what a night...//

Sorry can't meet you at Linstead Market,
Just got married tonight,//
    Oh, what a night...//

But I'll meet you tomorrow at Linstead Market,
At a quarter to ten,//
    Oh, what a night...//

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)