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(learned in 1952 from the movie The Great Caruso with Mario Lanza singing this song;
-the tune is Sobre Las Olas which was written in 1884 by Juventino Rosas, a Mexican composer;
-the tune with these words reached the top of the Hit Parade)

(music to go here)

When you are in love, it's the loveliest night of the year;
Stars twinkle above, and you almost can touch them from here.
Words fall into rhyme any time you are holding me near.
When you are in love, it's the loveliest night of the year.
    Waltzing along in the blue, like a breeze drifting over the sand,
    Thrilled by the wonder of you and the wonderful touch of your hand.
My heart starts to beat like a child's when a birthday is near;
So, kiss me, my sweet, it's the loveliest night of the year.

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)