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(learned from Charlie "Brown" Artman)

(staff with melody)

Once I had a sweetheart, but now I've got none;
Once I had a sweetheart, but now I've got none;
He's gone and leave me, he's gone and leave me,
He's gone and leave me in sorrow to moan.

My Jamie's got married or otherwise dead,//
A bunch of blue ribbons I'll tie round my head.//

Last night in sweet slumber I dreamt I did see//
My own dearest jewel sat smiling by me.//

But when I awoke, I found it not so;//
My eyes like two fountains with tears they did flow.//

I'll venture through England, through France, and through Spain;//
All my life I will venture o'er the watery main.//

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)