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(learned from the Hit Parade in 1950; written by Charles Randolph Grean)

(music to go here)

As I was walking on the beach one bright and sunny day,
I happened to see a great big box a-floating on the bay,
I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise,
Oh, I discovered a (clap-clap-clap) right before my eyes!
Oh, I discovered a (clap-clap-clap) right before my eyes!

I picked it up and ran with it, just as happy as a king,
And took it to a man I knew who'd buy most any thing,
But this is what he shouted at me when I walked in his shop,
Get out of here with that (clap-clap-clap) before I call a cop! (echo)

So I turned around and got right out, a-running for my life,
And then I took it home with me to give it to my wife,
But this is what she hollered at me when I walked in the door,
Get out of here with that (clap-clap-clap) and don't come back no more! (echo)

So I wandered all about the town until I chanced to meet
A hobo who was looking for a handout on the street,
He said he'd take most any old thing, he was a desperate man,
But when I showed him the (clap-clap-clap) he turned around and ran! (echo)

So I wandered on for many years, a victim of my fate,
Until one day I chanced to meet St. Peter at the gate,
But when I tried to take it inside, he said to me, Oh, no,
Get out of here with that (clap-clap-clap) and take it down below! (echo)

So if you are walking on the beach on a bright and sunny day,
And you should see a great big box a-floating on the bay,
Don't ever stop to open it up, that's my advice to you,
For you'll never get rid of the (clap-clap-clap) no matter what you do! (echo)

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)