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(Czechoslovakian song learned at camps during the 1940s)

(music to go here)

Walking at night along the meadow way,
Home from the dance beside my maiden gay.
Walking at night along the meadow way,
Home from the dance beside my maiden gay.
    Stoddela, stoddela, stoddela pumpa,
    Stoddela pumpa, stoddela pumpa.
    Stoddela, stoddela, stoddela pumpa,
    Stoddela pumpa, pum pum pum.

Nearing the woods, we heard a nightingale,
Sweetly it helped me tell my begging tale.
Nearing the woods, we heard a nightingale,
Sweetly it helped me tell my begging tale.
    Stoddela, stoddela, stoddela pumpa.....

Many the stars that brightly shown above,
But none so sweet as her one word of love,
Many the stars that brightly shown above,
But none so sweet as her one word of love,
    Stoddela, stoddela, stoddela pumpa.....

(from miriam berg's folksong collection)