Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of John
Luke | Event | Mark |
----- 3:21-22 4:31-37 4:38-39 4:40-41 4:42-43 4:44 5:12-16 5:17-26 5:27-28 5:29-32 5:33-38 6:1-5 6:6-11 6:12-16 *6:17-19 ----- 8:4-18 *8:19-21 8:22-25 8:26-39 8:40-48 8:49-56 9:6 9:7-9 9:10 9:11-17 9:18-21 9:23-27 9:28-36 9:37-43 9:46-50 ----- 18:15-17 18:18-30 18:31-34 18:35-43 19:29-38 19:45-48 20:1-8 20:9-19 20:20-26 20:27-38 20:41-44 20:45-47 21:1-4 21:5-24 21:25-33 21:34-36 |
EARLY CAREER OF YESHUA The baptism of Jesus Jesus preaches in Capernaum and cures a madman Jesus heals the mother-in-law of Simon Jesus heals many who come to Simon's house Jesus prays in the desertK Jesus teaches in all the villages A leper is healed and sent to the priests Jesus is criticized for healing a paralytic Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to be a disciple Levi (Matthew) gives a great feast Jesus retorts when accused of not fasting Jesus is criticized for eating on the sabbath Jesus is criticized for healing on the sabbath Crowds come from all over to hear Jesus Jesus names twelve disciples YESHUA TEACHES THROUGHOUT GALILEE Jesus tells parables about the kingdom of God Jesus' family comes to get him A storm quiets down after the disciples' panic Jesus visits Gergesa (not Gerasa; Gergesa is on the shoreline, Gerasa is not, nor Gadara) A woman is healed in his presence Jesus arouses a comatose child The disciples go out and preach John the Baptizer is killed by Herod The disciples return 5,000 are miraculously fed Simon calls Jesus the messiah Jesus preaches about discipleship Jesus, Peter, James, and John go up Mt Hermon Jesus heals an epileptic youth Jesus teaches about humility JESUS GOES TO JERUSALEM Jesus welcomes the children Jesus teaches about riches Jesus predicts his death Jesus heals a blind man in Jericho Jesus enters Jerusalem as a popular leader Jesus drives the moneychangers from the temple Jesus is challenged by the chief priests Jesus tells a parable against the priests Jesus tells them to give Caesar his tribute Jesus rebuts them about the resurrection He challenges the Davidic ancestry of the messiah Jesus criticizes the Pharisees He comments on the widow's donation to the temple He predicts the destruction of Jerusalem ("There shall not be left here one stone upon another") He elaborates on the prediction He tells them to watch and pray |
----- 1:9-11 1:21-28 1:29-31 1:32-34 1:35-38 1:39 1:40-45 2:1-12 2:13-14 2:15-17 2:18-22 2:23-28 3:1-6 3:7-10 3:13-19a ----- 4:1-25 3:19b,31-35 4:35-41 5:1-20 5:21-34 5:35-43 6:12-13 6:14-18 6:30 6:32-44 8:27-30 8:34-38,9:1 9:2-8,10 9:14-29 9:33-40 ----- 10:13-16 10:17-31 10:32-34 10:46-52 11:1-10 11:15-18 11:27-33 12:1-12 12:13-17 12:18-27 12:35-37 12:38-40 12:41-44 13:1-19 13:24-31 13:33-37 |
(Mark 13:14) But when you shall see
the abomination of desolation standing
where he ought not (let the reader
understand), then let them that are in Judea flee into the mountains; |
(Matt. 24:15) When therefore you see
the abomination of desolation, which was
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing
in the holy place (let him that readeth
understand), (Matt. 24:16) then let them that are in Judaea flee into the mountains. |
(Luke 21:20) But when you shall
see Jerusalem compassed by armies
then know that her desolation is
at hand. (Luke 21:21) Then let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains; |
Note that Matthew 24:15-16 is almost identical with Mark, except for adding that the source of the expression "abomination of desolation" is the book of Daniel. So apparently here the author of Luke rewrote Mark to describe the event as it actually had happened in 70 C.E. when Titus and the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem and destroyed it, while Matthew remained faithful to his source document. It is possible that Luke the physician was still alive in 80 or 90 C.E., but unlikely.
Matt. 1:18-23 Matt. 2:1-12 Matt. 2:13-23 Matt. 14:28-31 Matt. 17:24-27 Matt. 28:16-20 Matt. 5:7-10 Matt. 5:13-20 Matt. 5:21-24 Matt. 5:27-30 Matt. 5:33-37 Matt. 5:38-42 Matt. 5:43-45 Matt. 6:1-18 Matt. 7:6 Matt. 7:13-14 Matt. 7:15-20 Matt. 11:28-30 Matt. 12:36-37 Matt. 13:24-30 Matt. 13:36-43 Matt. 13:44-53 Matt. 15:13 Matt. 16:12 Matt. 18:23-34 Matt. 20:1-16 Matt. 21:28-32 Matt. 22:11-14 Matt. 23:2-3 Matt. 23:8-33 Matt. 25:31-46 Matt. 3:16-17 Matt. 16:17-19 Matt. 18:16-20 Matt. 21:10-11 Matt. 21:15-16 Matt. 27:3-10 Matt. 27:19-25 Matt. 27:51-53 Matt. 27:62-66 Matt. 1:1-17 Matt. 4:13-17 Matt. 8:17 Matt. 9:13 Matt. 12:7 Matt. 12:17-21 Matt. 13:14-15 Matt. 13:35 Matt. 18:35 Matt. 21:4-5 Matt. 21:43 Matt. 24:10-12 |
LEGENDS ABOUT JESUS The angel appears to Joseph in a dream The Eastern magi The flight into Egypt Peter tries to walk on the water and fails Jesus tells Peter to find money in a fish's mouth The Great Commission and the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" (the only reference to the Trinity in the New Testament) THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Additional beatitudes not found in Luke Additional sayings not found in Luke Anger equated with killing Lust equated with adultery and disease Vows equated with falsehood Striking back or resistance is evil Love of enemies and oppressors Teachings about alms, praying, and fasting Casting pearls before swine The narrow gate False prophets OTHER SAYINGS OF JESUS Come unto me all ye weary Judgment of words Parable of the wheat and the tares Interpretation of the parable of the wheat and the tares Parables of the pearl,the treasure,the fishnet,the disciples Plants not planted by God being rooted up Comparison of the teaching of the Pharisees to leaven The parable of the unmerciful steward The parable of the householder and the servants Parable of the two sons The man ejected from the marriage feast Obey the scribes Condemnation of the Pharisees Parable of the sheep and the goats SAYINGS ABOUT JESUS AND OTHERS John's recognition of Jesus Jesus tells Peter he will be the Rock of the church Jesus tells them where two or three are gathered in his name Jesus, the prophet of Galilee Out of the mouth of babes Judas gives back the betrayal money Sayings about Pilate and his wife Earthquakes and ghosts at the crucifixion The guards tell Pilate that the disciples stole the body EDITORIAL COMMENTARY The genealogy of Jesus (Matthew's version) Quotation from Isaiah Another quotation from Isaiah Quotation about mercy and sacrifice (Hosea 6:6) Quotation about mercy and sacrifice again (Hosea 6:6) Quotation about chosen servant (Isaiah 42:1-4) Quotation about having ears (Isaiah 6:9-10) Quotation about uttering parables (Psalms 78:2) God will punish unforgiving persons harshly Quotation from Isaiah and Zechariah The kingdom of God shall be taken away from you Stumbling because of false prophets |
Thomas 2: 6b: 11: 16: 21b: 26: 33a: 33b: 34: 35: 36: 39a: 39b: 41: 45a: 45b: 46: 47b: 54: 55: 61a: 61d: 64: 68: 69a: 69b: 73: 76b: 78: 89: 92a: 94: 95: 96: 101: 103: 107: ----- 6a: 8: 14a: 30: 32: 40: 57: 62b: 75: 76a: 90: 93: 109: ----- 3: 10: 38: 47c: 63a: 72: 79a: 79b: 86: 113: ----- 4: 5: 6c: 9: 13: 14b: 14c: 15: 20: 21c: 22a: 25: 31: 41: 44: 47d: 47e: 48: 62a: 63b: 65: 66: 71: 99: 100: 104: ----- 1: 24: 77a: |
Lying and what you dislike Heaven and earth Casting divisions on earth The thief at night The mote and the beam Proclaim from the housetops The lamp under the bushel The blind leading the blind Binding the strong man No care for clothing The Pharisees and the keys Be wise as serpents He who has and he who has not Grapes and thistles Good words and bad words John greatest of the prophets Two masters Happy are the poor Leaving your family behind One will die, one will live Filled with light or darkness Parable of the great feast Happy are you when pursued Happy are the pursued Happy are the hungry The harvest is plentiful Treasure which endureth What did ye seek in the desert The outside of the cup Seek and ye shall find Seeking and knocking Give to those who can't repay Parable of the leaven Abandoning your parents Preparing against a thief Parable of the lost sheep ------------- Fasting, prayer, and alms Parable of the wise fisherman Fasting, prayer, and alms Three gods with two or one A city upon a hill Plants not planted by God The wheat and the tares Right and left hand Loners Parable of the pearl of great price Come unto me all ye who labor Don't give to dogs and swine Parable of the treasure ------------- The kingdom is within you Casting fire on the earth Days will come Old and new wine Parable of the rich man Who made me a divider over you The breasts that suckled you Blessed are the barren The foxes have holes When will the kingdom come ------------- Becoming as a little child That which is hidden That which is hidden Parable of the sower Jesus questions the disciples Disciples travelling in the ministry What you eat He who was not begotten of woman Parable of the mustard seed Parable of harvesting the grain Suffer the little children to come Love your brother A prophet in his home town He who has and he who has not Who blasphemes the Spirit Old and new wineskins Patches on old and new clothes Moving mountains The mysteries of the kingdom Who hath ears to hear Parable of the husbandmen The rejected stone Destroy the temple His family come to get him Give unto Caesar & God & me On fasting ------------- Never taste death The man of light I am the all |
(Matt.5:33-37; Luke 6:31; Matt.7:12) (Luke 16:17; Matt.5:18) (Luke 12:51-53; Matt.10:34-36) (Luke 12:39; Matt.24:43) (Luke 6:41-42; Matt. 7:3-5) (Luke 12:3; Matt.10:27) (Luke 11:33; Matt.5:15) (Luke 6:39; Matt.15:14) (Matt.12:29; Luke 11:21-22) (Matt.6:31; Luke 12:29) (Luke 11:52; Matt.23:13) (Luke 10:3; Matt.11:16) (Luke 19:26; Matt.25:29; (Luke 6:43-44; Matt.7:17-18) (Luke 6:45; Matt.12:34-35) (Luke 7:28; Matt.11:11) (Luke 16:13; Matt.6:24) (Luke 6:20b; Matt.5:3) (Luke 14:26-27; Matt.10:37-38) (Luke 17:34; Matt.24:40) (Luke 11:34; Matt.6:22-23a) (Luke 14:16-24; Matt.22:2-5,8-10) (Luke 6:22; Matt.5:11)? (Luke 6:23; Matt.5:12; cf.Thomas 68) (Luke 6:21a; Matt.5:6) (Luke 10:2; Matt. 9:37-38) (Luke 12:33; Matt.6:19-20) (Luke 7:24-25; Matt.11:7-8) (Luke 11:39-40; Matt.23:25-26) (Luke 11:9-10; Matt.7:7-8; cf.Thom 2) (Luke 11:9-10; Matt.7:7-8; cf.Thom.2) (Luke 6:30,35; Matt.5:42) (Luke 13:20-21; Matt.13:33) (Luke 14:26; Matt.12:37) (Luke 12:39; Matt.24:43) (Luke 14:3-7; Matt.18:12-14) ------------- (Matt.6:1-8,16-18) (Matt.13:47-48) (Matt.6:1-8,16-18; cf.Thomas 6a) (Matt.18:20) (Matt.5:14) (Matt.15:13) (Matt.13:24-30) (Matt.6:3) (Matt.22:14) (Matt.13:45-46) (Matt.11:28,30) (Matt.7:6) (Matt.13:44) ------------- (Luke 17:20-21) (Luke 12:49-50) (Luke 17:22) (Luke 5:39) (Luke 12:16-20) (Luke 12:13-14) (Luke 11:27-28) (Luke 23:29) (Luke 9:58) (Luke 17:20-21; cf.Thomas 3) ------------- (Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17; Matt. 18:3) (Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17;12:2 Matt. 10:26) (cf. Thomas 5 and parallels) (Mark 4:3-8; Matt.13:3-9; Luke 8:5-8) (Mark 8:27-33;Luke 8:18-22;Matt.10:16-23) (Mark 6:7-11; Matt.5-15; Luke 9:1-5) (Mark 7:14-19; Matt.15:10-11,15-20) (Mark 9:2-7;Matt.17:1-7;Luke 9:28-35; John 1:14) (Mark 4:30-32;Matt.13:31-32;Luke 13:18-19) (Mark 4:26-29) (Mk 10:13-16; Lk 18:15-17; Mt.19:13-15) (Mk 12:31; Mt.22:39;Lk 10:27;Jn 15:12) (Mark 6:4; Matt.13:57; Luke 4:24; John 4:44) (Mark 4:25; Matt.13:12; Luke 8:18) (Mark 3:28-29; Luke 12:10; Matt.12:31-32) (Mark 2:22; Matt.9:17; Luke 5:37-38) (Mark 2:21; Luke 5:36; Matt. 9:16) (Mark 11:22-23; Matt.21:21) (Mark 4:11; Matt.13:11; Luke 8:10) (Mark 4:9; Matt.13:9; Luke 8:8b; Luke 14:35; Matt.11:15) (Mark 12:1-8; Matt.21:33-39; Luke 20:9-15) (Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Matt.21:42a; (cf. Ps.118:22-23) (Mark 13:2; Luke 21:6; Matt.24:2; John 2:19) (Mark 3:31-35; Matt.12:46-50; Luke 8:19-21) (Mark 12:13-17; Mt.22:15-21; Lk 20:20-25) (Mark 2:19-20; Matt.9:15; Luke 5:34-35) ------------- (John 8:51) (John 1:9) (John 8:12a) |