September 12, 1970
Rule 1. The fundamental rule of human behavior is:
Me first, Them last.
Rule 7. The use of force is necessary to maintain order
in society.
Rule 8. The only way to produce resolute cooperation
among people is the fear of a shared external threat.
Rule 15. Greed is more powerful than sharing in
determining the distribution of the world's resources.
-- Charles Scamahorn
The fundamental rule of human behavior as given
by Chuck Scamahorn, is: Me first, Them last.
This however must be called the Extroverted form
of the rule; the Introverted form may be stated as:
Always act in your own best interest. Furthermore
this is the Imperative form of the rule, in that it
lays a command on the individual; the Objective form
may be stated as: People always act in their own
self-interest, all other things being equal.
However, by and large, people try to act, not
in their own best interest, but in some pseudo-altruistic
form of acting in someone else's best interest. Thus
for example, I have striven to shake Chuck's exposition
of this principle in what I perceive to be
his own best interest, since I feel that it must be
against his best interest to preach or practice
such a degrading doctrine; this turns out to be
frustrating to me in the extreme, since the objective
form of the rule is certainly true, and the degradation
which I perceive in raising it as a standard of behavior
is subjective at best. Thus it becomes against my
own best interest to attempt to act in what I perceive
as Chuck's best interest, and according to the imperative
form of the rule I should stop acting so as to frustrate
myself. Counterpoisedly, I should promulgate my
own system of values, or interpretation of human
behavior, and seek its dominance over Chuck's.
Why is it a degrading doctrine? Because the
extroverted form sets yourself against everyone else;
even if the "Me" is interpreted broadly as applying
to your group, becoming a "We", that is not inherent
in the extroverted statement, and the obvious
ordinary language meaning of You vs. Everyone else
is the strongest image conjured by the statement.
The introverted form sounds more reasonable, but
ignores the fact that in many if not most or all
cases your own best interest coincides with that
of others, including those not in your own group
the "We". The logical consequence of the extroverted
form of the rule would seem to preclude the formation
of any "We" anyway, since before any group has formed
everyone else is "Them".
The next rule of human behavior may be stated
as: Selfish traits are dominant, unselfish
traits are recessive; this is actually merely
a restatement of the objective form of Chuck's
fundamental rule. Thus, according to this rule 8
fear is stronger than love in order to unite people
in a common effort, and according to his rule 15
greed is more powerful than sharing in determining
the distribution of worldly resources. This probably
happens because fear is usually associated with
physical survival (again, self-preservation follows
from the fundamental rule) whereas love is like
frosting on the cake, or colorful dyes in clothing
and seldom is necessary to physical survival
although one could argue that it is necessary to
psychological survival. Another way of stating his
second rule is: Expect the worse from your fellow
man; and do not expect help unless another person's
problems are the same as yours, and do not expect
help even then since he will probably seek to keep
the solution for himself. None of this, however
can really be construed as showing that love cannot
unite people in a common effort, but merely that
love is usually weaker than fear. It might be
worth pursuing to determine the conditions under
which love can and does unite people, and the ways
in which fear fails to bridge the gap between them.
This entire essay up to this point is really
only evidence of the First Theorem of Human
Behavior deduced from the First Axiom of the
Universe: that the human mind can come to believe
From the second rule, it also follows that force
is necessary to maintain order (Chuck's rule 7)
since cooperation, being an unselfish and therefore
recessive trait, cannot be expected to occur naturally
and therefore again it is to be expected that coercion
will be required to get people to behave the way
you want them to, although it could also be argued
that cooperation is really in your own best interest
and therefore selfish and dominant and to be expected.
Do I really believe any of this? I suppose that what
really seems to me to be the case is that people
always act mechanically, neither in their own best
interest nor against their own best interest. This
would explain why it is possible to believe both
sides, that People act or should act selfishly
or that People act or should act un~selfishly. Again
it may be a better statement that, People always do
what they want; this is of course based somewhat on
conscious motivation and somewhat on unconscious
motivation, but is not normally moved by consideration
of self-interest anyway. Thus the objective form
of Chuck's fundamental rule is probably false, or at
least insufficient, to describe human behavior.
How about the Imperative form? It would seem
unreasonable to argue that one should not always act
in one's own best interest, but I would insist that
recognition be made of the fact that your own best
interest and that of others often coincides. The
Extroverted form of the rule I reject for all the
reasons given earlier; it is not ecological, and it
acts to destroy the group.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)