c. 1977
It is interesting how small issues can serve to
reveal differences in our opinions. Most of us
if not all of us are united on the Peace Testimony;
yet we differ on how to witness to that testimony.
Some of us refuse to pay taxes to a government
which is engaged in the business of making war
while others feel that tax refusal serves no
useful purpose and violates other principles --
such as obedience to authority. Many of us feel
that the entire society is "sick" and that the
largest part of our energy should go to studying
how to restructure that society, while others seem
to be willing to let the present structure exist
even if they are not in agreement with all its
actions. Some of us feel that it is vital that we
explore together the theological foundations of our
beliefs and actions, while others feel that this is
not a useful way for Quakers to help the world.
Thus also the question of nude swimming at Yearly
Meeting has mushroomed from a small event of a few
years ago into a burning issue. A casual event --
nude swimming at night -- has uncovered passionate
differences of opinion regarding what we consider
moral and important. The question of homosexuality --
a much more overt act between people than nude
swimming -- has been raised and dealt with sympathetically
by Yearly Meeting, which has approved more than one
minute of concern if not support or approval for the
rights of homosexual persons; the Committee on Ministry
and Oversight now has a standing subcommittee on
Homosexuality. At each of the last two Yearly Meetings
there has been an Interest Group on Nudity which has
asked that the question be considered by Yearly Meeting.
I feel that nude swimming is much less significant
than homosexuality, yet strong voices have been
raised to prevent its happening, even among those
who would participate when those who do not wish to
are free to stay away.
In the January 1977 Bulletin, it was suggested that
there is a present trend towards publicity in our lives
rather than privacy, and that Friends ought to choose
privacy when it is disappearing all around us, and
that "deep and intimate relationships"are less likely
in an atmosphere of casual public nudity." The
implication of this last statement is that we must wear
clothes, i.e., hide our bodies, in order to have deep
and intimate relationships, which I am not able either
to believe or to accept. I believe that those
relationships are or should be independent of outward
appearances, that we can achieve depth and intimacy
whether or not there is an atmosphere of casual public
nudity. But I am concerned that the objections to
our setting aside a time at Yearly Meeting when those
who wish to can swim nude while others do not have to
attend represents a kind of moralism which is setting
many members of our Yearly Meeting at odds with each
other. It is one group preventing another group from
engaging in an activity which does not harm either group.
This I feel to be moralistic, and I hope we can find
Meeting, and spend no more time prohibiting a voluntary
acceptance of both nude and ordinary swimming at Yearly
those who are so prevented.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)