hat is the Bible?
It is some two million words, organized into books
chapters, and verses, gathered together over some
two millenia, being a highly distilled, elegiac
historical account of a tribe of Near Eastern people
called originally the Hebrews and later the Jews
and their successors called the Christians.
The Old Testament received its present form about
700 B.C. after some 70 years of work by 11 Jewish
scholars; the New Testament received its about
400 A.D. after four centuries of difference of
opinion about the origin and nature of Christianity. Many
other texts were not placed in either canon by the
editors, known as the Old Testament and New Testament
The Books are credited to many different authors
and were probably written over a space of one thousand
years. The precise authorship cannot be known; the
first five books are traditionally written by Moses
although they are written about him and describe his
death as though written by a biographer. Many are
semi-biographical; Job does not claim to be written
by Job, nor Ruth to be written by Ruth. The Prophets
include no doubt writings of theirs but as well
editorial commentary describing their lives.
What credibility are we to attach to the books of the
Bible? There is no parallel historical account of the
Old Testament, and thus it cannot be independently
verified. Much of it purports to be conversations
with God, and the words of God to the Jews. How are
we to know whether that is so? The assertion by the
Bible that it is so cannot a priori be given any more
weight than the assertion of the Bhagavad-Gita that
it is the words of Krishna, or in general any writing
which claims that it is the words of any supernatural
being, let alone a natural being.
The God of the Books of Moses is a God with a
temper, subject to being argued with by both
braham and Moses, and disposed to talk directly
to the Jews. Insofar as his words can be tested
against our own experience, we can with assurance
grant them validity, but can we know any more because
of that than that the reporters of the Old Testament
had experiences similar to our own. All we can be
absolutely certain of is that the books of the Bible
are the words of various men and women, more or less
wise and accurate, and if each of them repeated one
thousand times each day that those words came to them
directly from God we would have no way of knowing it
was true -- unless all of our words and thoughts come
directly from God, which is of course possible.
How can we tell whether something is from God?
Partly that depends on what we mean by God.
If God is a being living above the clouds, we
can know it for sure if he appears to us; I'm not
sure we can know it if someone else claims that
that God appeared to him. If God is an immanent
force or power we can see his works, but then what
do we mean by saying some message is from God? One
message is as likely to be from God as another in
that case. If God is a personal Spirit speaking
to each of us individually, then that is not very
different from the Quaker concept of the Inner Light
guiding each person (whether that speaking comes
from a God without or a God within) and in any case
justifies each person following his own conscience
even if it differs from what someone else claims
is his conscience. There is plenty of evidence
that men are led in different ways, historically
and today. Let us not be quick to judge the message
of another person, which they have received "from God"
to be not so, nor be quick either to judge that which
we believe we have received "from God" to contravene
all the messages others have received.
In short, there is no absolute test, external or
internal, by which we can prove the claim of a message
oral or written, to be "from God". Whether "God" even
gives messages depends on your concept of "God". Whether
you believe in "moral law" which should govern your
actions does not even require "God"; it is discernible
in what happens to people and need not be proclaimed by
fiat. The universe exists and functions (perhaps
it doesn't even exist but only functions) and moral law
and giving of messages are independent of the mode of
creation of that universe. It may be that "God" is the
Creator of the universe, the Proclaimer of Moral
Law (governance by covenant rather than by natural process)
and the Comforter or Confidant or Guide to us as individuals;
none of those three, even if so, requires that the received
text of the Bible be through and through word for word God's
word in a way in which other texts are not. Because anyone
thing in the Bible appears to me to be true (e.g. Thou shalt
not kill) does not mean that everything in the Bible must
be true, and even if all were true it doesn't mean that it
would be any truer than what might be found in some other
text, the Tao te Ching, or the Science and Health with Key
to the Scriptures, for example. God gives impartially of
truth, or at least I see no counter-evidence to that.
One of the primary principles of Protestantism was that
man could communicate with God directly, and did not need
a priest as an intermediary; it follows directly as a
corollary that man does not need a book as an intermediary
however helpful it might be to some in some circumstances.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)