December, 1974
Once 'upon a time there lived a man called Jesus.
People say that his father was a carpenter named Joseph
and that his mother was named Mary. People also say
that he was born in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea
and that at his birth a star came and stood over the manger
day and night, and also that three kings or wise men
came from the East bringing gifts to him at his
birth. It is also reported that Joseph moved his family
to a town called Nazareth, so that when Jesus grew up
he was called Jesus of Nazareth. However, history and
geography know of no town at that time and in that
area called Nazareth, and while it has been calculated
that within a few years of the reported date of the birth
of Jesus there was a close conjunction of three planets
it is hardly possible that such a stellium could have
"stood" in one place while the rest of the sky rotated;
and lacking any independent confirmation of the identity
of the three kings from the East we must pass over
all these reports as purely legendary.
It is also said that Joseph was descended from David
the second and most famous of the kings of Judah and
Israel. But the records (Luke and Matthew) do not agree
on the genealogy reaching back to King David, although
both agree that Jesus was descended from him through
Joseph his father. Furthermore, the later reports
of Jesus' career indicate that neither the followers of
Jesus nor the people of Judea had any knowledge of this
lineage, since it is not referred to in a single statement
by anyone in any of the four Gospels nor in any of the rest
of the New Testament. Again, we must regard this also
as a legendary report, intended to make Jesus in the line
of the rulers of Israel.
Nothing is known of the childhood and youth of Jesus. Luke
alone reports that when Jesus was twelve years old
he was found arguing with the teachers in the temple;
but this probably only means that Jesus was precociously
interested in matters of philosophy and ethics and
religion. But there is little reason to suppose that
Jesus received any special education, coming as he did
from a working class family; he was probably taught the
history of the Jewish people and something of the Law
and the Prophets, but no more than any Hebrew child
received at that time. Nevertheless, his familiarity
with the Old Testament makes it likely that he had
studied them closely during his growth.
It is possible to speculate on the character of Joseph
of which history records nothing. Was he perhaps versed
in Jewish history and teachings, and did he pass them on
to Jesus? Was he a kindly and nurturant father
providing the model which Jesus used later when he
pictured God as a loving Father? Since it is reported
in all the Gospels that Jesus had brothers and sisters
we may wonder what their home life was like; was it happy
and co-operative, and could that have provided the basis
for Jesus' conception of all people as brethren? We do
not know; but these all seem probable because of the models
Jesus used later in his teaching.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)