October 9, 1978
I think that Christianity is a myth. By
Christianity, I mean the teachings of Paul:
that Jesus was God; that he died as a sacrifice
to God to redeem us in God's eyes, as if God were
angry at man and ready to destroy him; and that
he rose from the dead to prove these things. These ideas
these Pau11ine ideas, which Jesus nowhere utters
are what I call the Christian myth, and what I cannot
believe. The teachings of Jesus himself, on the other
hand, of universal and unconditional love and unlimited
forgiveness; of non-injury and love of enemies and
non-resistance to evil; of simple truth-telling and
non-hypocrisy and straight-forwardness; of non-anxiety
about food and shelter and possessions and of sharing
all with each other, especially those in need; and of
man's oneness with God and God's unlimited love
for man, which most of us think of when we say
"Christianity", can be found in nearly all of
the world's great religions, and cannot be claimed
by Christians as their exclusive teachings. I fully
accept these teachings of Jesus, but I repudiate the
teachings of Paul about Jesus, and I specifically deny
that there is any virtue in worshipping Jesus and
calling on his name; and I believe that Jesus would
have repudiated this deification of himself. Does
he not say, Not everyone that calls on me shall enter
the kingdom of God, but rather he who does the will
of God? Does he not say, Call no man your master
or teacher, for one (meaning God) is your master and
teacher? Does he not reply when addressed as "Good
Master", Why do you call me good? for only God is good?
Let us therefore follow these teachings of Jesus
and not make him into a substitute for the godliness
or divinity within each person.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)