June, 1965
Any hope of establishing the significant teachings of Jesus
by studying the Dead Sea Scrolls leads into a Dead Sea
of preconceptions and suppositions. The one plant able
to grow in such salty environment is the evidence of the
stark contrast between Jesus' way of life and teaching
and that of the Essenes, the sect which supposedly left
behind the Scrolls. The simple fact is, the Essenes were
ascetics, and taught withdrawal from society and strict
ritual; whatever you may call Jesus -- fool, prophet
Messiah -- he was no ascetic and did not withdraw from
society nor teach strict ritual.
In the last issue we pointed out the consistency of the
Synoptic Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke -- and the disparity
between these Gospels and the Gospel of John. We pointed
out that the contradiction between the Prophetic teachings
of Jesus and the apparent claims to Messiahship attributed
to him could far better be explained as being from his later
followers, who had held Messianic hopes all along, putting
their words in his mouth to give them the stamp of his
authority, rather than by trying to believe that Jesus held
contradictory points of view, or could have had the
impact on the people he did, had he spoken with the
same old predictions, instead of with some new conviction
and compassion. If anyone wishes to examine every passage
in the Gospels with me, I will undertake to show that such
a view explains the apparent contradictions and agreements
more consistently than any other view.
But the contrast between the probably historical teachings
of Jesus and the traditional assumptions of Christianity
become more evident when we examine the Acts of the Apostles
and the epistles of Paul. It becomes apparent that
Christianity began with the conversion of Saul into Paul
who then fused Zoroastrian duallism, traditional Pharisaic
attitudes, Greek asceticism and Greek philosophy into a
religion which taught belief in a resurrected Jesus as proof
of God's love and forgiveness (by some logical contortion)
whereas Jesus had taught a religion of inner examination
and deeds and universal ethical behavior and at no time lived
in any ritualistic fashion. It is in the earliest
New Testament writing, the First Epistle to the Corinthians
that Paul explains how Jesus ordained the rite of communion
and the fact that the Gospels contain an identical
pronouncement can only be interpreted as quoting from
Corinthians since both traditional and contemporary
scholarship place the dates of the gospels as subsequent
to the earliest epistles of Paul. Besides at no time in
the Book of the Acts of the Apostles do we see the earliest
disciples practicing or preaching this ritual as a necessity
or a consummation of their faith. So we assert, Christianity
with its "binding in heaven and earth" arose out of the
Paulline letters and the Johannine Gospel, which was written
later than the other three Gospels, in complete and
bewildering opposition to the teachings of the prophetic
tradition as formulated by Jesus: the Sabbath was made for
man, not man for the Sabbath; or, Rules and ritual were made
by man, man does not exist for the rules.
Now let us return to the bearing of the Dead Sea Scrolls
on the matter. The Essenes were a sect which probably
taught pacifism of a sort, withdrew from Jerusalem into
their own desert community, practiced baptism and strict
rules about ritual and prayer derived from Judaic law
and used a method of exposition of Scripture which
contemporary scholars assume is the model which Jesus
followed. We have already pointed out that Jesus did
not withdraw from society, but lived among the people
whom he called the salt of the earth and the light of
the world, and was accused of consorting with sinners
and prostitutes, and otherwise breaking the Judaic rules.
We are told that Jesus' first knowledge of his
sonship of God came at his baptism from John the Baptizer
but there is no evidence that Jesus ever practiced baptism
or taught it; the Gospel of John tells us specifically
that Jesus baptized not. Matthew claims in the Great
Commission at the tail-end of his Gospel that Jesus
ordered his disciples to go forth and baptize in
the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; but
this whole ending is suspect, by its utter divergence
from the endings of the other Gospels, by the
contradictions among the endings of all the Gospels
and the lack of consistency of these endings, especially
the Great Commission, with the teachings of Jesus
in the rest of the Gospels. It simply is inconceivable
that Jesus would not have given these instructions
earlier in his career to his disciples instead of
waiting until the last verse if he had really meant
to give them. Plus which, it is the only time
in the New Testament where the Trinity is even mentioned
and we know that the Trinity did not even become
official Church dogma until the Council of Nicea
circa 400 A.D.
The Essenes were apparently used to having each of
their members, or perhaps one special one, known or
referred to as the "Master" or "Teacher" of Righteousness
risinq before the assembly, reading from the Scriptures
and then delivering expository remarks. This is recorded
of Jesus when he appeared in his home town. And on this
tenuous thread hangs most of the purported evidence that
Jesus was an Essene. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that
the Essenes used phrases like "the sons of light and the
sons of darkness", and the "elect", all of which occur
profusely in the Epistles of Paul, and in a few of the
passages in the Synoptics where Jesus is reported as
stating a kind of "Chosen People" theory which we have
shown must have been added by later editors in the light
of the universal love which he taught in the Sermon on
the Mount and the parable of the Good Samaritan. The
evidence therefore leads us to conclude that the Essenes
may have contributed to the development of Paulline
Christianity, especially since we know that they abandoned
their pacifism and joined in the attempt to oust the Romans
which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem and the
Diaspora in 70 A.D.; but if Jesus was ever an Essene
he rejected their methods, perhaps originally learning
pacifism from them, and proceeded to teach in his own way
and on his own authority. But we can find Jesus' teachings
rooted in the Prophets, in Amos and Hosea, and need not
assume (as Charles Frances Potter and others anxious
somehow to debunk something which is already enough
debunked and has nothing to do with Jesus) that he got
them from the Essenes, or (as still others have done)
that he studied in India. The whole question of where
he got his ideas is irrelevant; their validity hangs upon
their validity, not whether he learned them or invented
them or got them from his father or on tablets of gold
from heaven.
Finally, it seems that the disciples most misunderstood
Jesus, in using him and his name as authority, when
Jesus as noted above had taught on his own authority
and as noted in the previous issue enjoined us to "judge of
ourselves what is right". We need no authority but our
own "inner light"; we need no rule save that of being
open to each new situation and person; and Jesus recognized
that and no doubt wished we would too. So the scholars
who try to argue that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain the
roots of Jesus' teaching seem ot us to be not only mistaken
in their conclusions but also misdirected in their zeal
to prove anything important or relevant by them.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)