October 10, 1972
Friends (Quakers) traditionally believe
in monogamy as the best form of marriage.
-- Pacific Yearly Meeting, 1972
Marriage as an institution exists for two primary
reasons. The first is to provide a stable
environment for children, at least for their
first seven years. The second is to provide the
grown-ups with a stable relationship. The first is
slightly prior to the second, since although most
people probably marry with the second primarily
in mind, many would not continue the relationship
were it not for the responsibility of children.
Monogamous marriage has probably attained the
prevalence it has, not because of its success
in attaining these obJectives, but because of
itS simpliCity; there are only two people involved
and among whom decisions have to be made. One-parent
families might appear to be a simpler structure
but they are more likely to either fail in meeting
these objectives, because of the lack of a stable
relationship for the parent and the consequent
effects on the children, or to transpose themselves
into other monogamous situations. Despite the fact
that there are obviously many successful marriages
I think it is evident that two-parent families have .
often failed to provide a good environment for the
children and have also often failed to provide
fulfilling relationships for the adults.
So-called "stem" families are more complex structures
with more adults and children, and more complicated
processes for decision-making if they are not actually
autocratic. The presence of more adults however has
the effect of creating a more stable environment for
children, since the care can be shared, and the
absence of one parent, or trauma of one parent, is
usually offset by the presence or non-trauma of another
I find it difficult to believe that formalized
marr1age is a necessary institution for the
achievement of stable relationships between
adults, any more than friends can be assured by
taking vows to permanent friendship. The intimacy
of sex makes it more difficult to find a stable
sexual relationship without some sense of commitment
from the other, and we as Friends (or as people)
should be concerned with how to bring about this
sense of commitment; but as Friends we should also
be dubious about the institution of any institution
to bring about any end.
I also find it difficult to believe that monogamous
sexual habits are at all required to achieve stable
and fulfilling relationships. To me it seems almost
a revealed truth that if you have any deep relationship
with another person, sex is one of the ways in which
you can express'that relationship. I hope that as
Friends we do not deny the existence of exogamous
feelings in ourselves; the question is, are these
feelings to be repressed and suppressed, are they to
be endured and overcome, or are there ways in which
these our normal feelings can be expressed joyously
and openly?
Thus I would urge Friends not to commit ourselves
so completely to monogamy as the only or best form
of marriage. Let us be open, accepting and even
experimental in our approach to achieving the two
great objectives I stated at first: to create stable
environments for our children and for ourselves.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)