December, 1976
Ethics. Ethics and Morality. These topics
were the focus of the November Bulletin (of
the Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Society of
Friends). Over and over in these articles I detected
a note of fruitlessness to the inquiry, that there
could be no definitive, incontrovertible, certain
answer to the question, What is the Right Thing
To Do? (Several years ago a discussion group
to which I belonged took a poll on a list of forty
or more possible themes for discussion, rating each
on a scale from 1 to 6; the title of this essay
received the highest rating.)
For myself I have come to feel that "right" and
"wrong" are merely matters of agreement (except
possibly in the fields of arithmetic and
algebra). The terms "good" and "bad" or rather
"good" and "evil" are also matters of agreement
since what is Good or Evil at one time may be the
other at another time. However, the lower-case
terms "good" and "bad" are not so variable because
they do not pretend to be all-encompassing in time
and space as to their applicability. This means
that, in any situation, it is possible to consistently
assert that one choice is better than another
although two persons may differ on which choice
they consider better; in the last analysis this is
all we have, the situation of the moment and the
possibility of making a decision one way or another.
In order to make a determination of choices each
person may choose different variables or use different
criteria, and thus may arrive at a different choice;
but each makes the "best" decision according to his
or her lights. Even when a person finds himself or
herself not acting in accordance with that which they
regard as their "best" decision, it merely means that
some variable or factor carries heavier weight with
them than they may realize or admit, or be able to
cope with. Thus, I may continue working for a boss
who exploits me or other employees or discriminates
because of doubts about being able to find another
suitable job soon enough if I quit; or I may respond
harshly or unlovingly to a person whose behavior
annoys me because something in me keeps me from
seeing "that of God" in them. I may even react
violently if sufficient pressure builds up on me and
I become unable to maintain the tranquillity one
needs in order to respond gently and lovingly; but
such a reaction does not mean that I believe that to
be the "best" or wisest course of action, merely
that I did not have sufficient "life skill" at that
point to act in accordance with what I considered to
be the "best" decision or principle.
This essay did not start with the intention of
proving the relativism of ethics and morality;
rather I began it with the intention of asserting
that I believe that there is an absolute basis for
making decisions about what is "bad" or "immoral".
That basis I can state simply as: That which is
harmful to others is immoral or bad; and by elimination
that which is not harmful is not immoral, although that
does not mean that there are actions which must be
asserted to be "moral", since the absence of "immorality"
is merely equivalent to the absence of harmful acts to
others. The most "moral" thing I can do, therefore
is to avoid acts which are harmful to others; no basis
can be found for asserting that there are acts which
are positively and definitely "moral" save for that
one thing. For example, consider a possible statement:
That which is helpful to others is moral; it should
be clear that such a statement cannot be insisted
upon since there are many actions which might be helpful
to another and it would be meaningless to say that not
doing any of them would constitute "immorality", unless
of course such abstinence would result in harm to that
person. But there is still a difference between an act
which positively harms another person and a non-action
which indirectly results in harm to another, because
in the first case you have the choice to abstain from
the harmful act but in the second case there may be no
action which you could take, or at least no obvious
action, which would not be harmful to someone.
Someone may be inclined to disagree with my premise
That which is harmful to others is immoral, on the
grounds that an action which may be harmful in one
way may be beneficial in another, more important
longer range way. Thus, you may spank a child in order
to (try to) teach it not to run into the street;
or you may speak harshly or insultingly to someone
because (you think) that is necessary to shock them
into more awareness of you or some aspect of the
situation which (you think) they are not aware of.
In both of these cases it is doubtful that your actions
are "really" harmful to those persons; perhaps there
is some other case in which a really harmful act is
beneficial to another person, but personally I think
it constitutes the null set (i.e. there aren't any).
Another person may want to argue that sometimes
refraining from doing something that will be
harmful to another person will be harmful to
yourself, and harm to yourself is as undesirable
as harm to another person. There need to be two
categories sorted out about this: the case where
you are personally threatened and the harm you would
directly cause to another would be from preventing
harm to yourself, and the case where you are not
personally threatened but by doing what you perceive
to be the best thing for yourself would indirectly
cause harm to another. To measure these situations
you need to be clear on what your alternatives are
and what you commitments to any of the possibilities
are. Thus, it may be better for yourself if you leave
someone you have been living with, even if you know
it will hurt them; or it may be better for you to
stay in a job which you find a strain or debilitating
because of its contribution toward some future goal
which you may have. Or it may be more important for
you to continue to live with someone when the
relationship seems to be hampering your own growth
because the cause of your problems is something
in you which you would not change by running away;
or it may be more important for you to quit a job
you disprefer even though it means a setback to
your more distant goals.
In conclusion, I need to state that I really believe
that the premise should be stated as, That which
is harmful to others is harmful to others, and I
prefer not to do things which are harmful to others.
But even if I did prefer to do things which were
harmful to others whenever the circumstances seemed
to warrant that, it would still be harmful to them
and therefore in some absolute measure "bad" for me
to do those things.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)