July 25, 1978
Most of us have at one time or another said or
thought that we had a "need" for something or
other. And most of us probably feel deeply that
we have "needs" which must be met; aad much of
our energy goes towards seeking to satisfy those
supposed "needs". By saying "supposed" needs, I
do not mean to flatly deny their reality; but their
"needfulness" is after all not proven merely because
they are felt to be so.
The first thing to clarify about any of these
supposed "needs" is not what they are or how
strongly felt they are, but what they are necessary to.
In other words, we cannot call something a need
unless we know what it is necessary for. That is
I may say that I need to sleep, or I need
to be alone, or I need comforting, but why
do I need any of these things? I may say that I need
to sleep because my body will wear out faster, perhaps
collapse utterly, if I don't; but to push it one step
farther, why should I avoid collapsing or wearing
out my body? Again, I may say that I need to be alone
because of the rest it affords my emotions and
communicative faculties, but why should I avoid
overtaxing those parts of my being? The only answer
to these questions can be, because I prefer to go on
living longer. We cannot argue that these things
are "necessary" to the universe, or to society, or to
the species, because they're not; all we can say is
that they are necessary for ourselves to go
on living longer. Nor can we argue that we ought
to live longer; who can show the reason for such an
assumed obligation?
On a simpler level, to demonstrate the point
urther, I may say that I need a house, or a
car, or a set of garden tools; but all I really mean
is that I will sleep more comfortably, have
more storage space, and feel a sense of point of
origin to which I can return and from which I
venture forth if I have a house, that I will be able
to get to and from work faster or to and from
recreation or shopping faster and more comfortably
and perhaps more sociably because of carrying other
people with me and more soothingly because of
perhaps having a radio to listen to, or that I will
be able to take care of my garden plants with less
back-breaking drudgery and more skill and thereby
save time for other pursuits and possibly be able
to grow more and different plants or larger plants
if I have the garden tools than I could have
otherwise. But I can still sleep, I can still get
to work and recreation, I can still grow flowers and
vegetables without any of these things which I say I
need. Therefore I should say that what I want is
storage space, or bigger plants, or more free time
for which I want the storage space, or do i really need
or more pleasure, but then do I really need the things
the comfort and free time, or the pleasure, and for
what? The answer is clearly, no, although I may
want them; because I can still live without them.
Thus, whenever I ask, for what do I need the things
which I think I need, there can be only two answers
the one spurious, the other real: the spurious one
is, for comfort and for pleasure, and the real one
is, to go on living.
Now most people probably realize this anyway
consciously or unconsciously, that satisfaction
of material desires or "needs" is but the shell or
chaff of our existence. No doubt they will also
strenuously insist that fulfillment, and living a
whole life, and something called "self-actualization"
are needs, over and above material needs. Perhaps
they will even argue that we "need" wisdom, and
understanding, and love, and peace of mind, all very
non-material things. But the same tests as above
can be applied to these things also; either the
reason we think we need them is because of
the comfort and pleasure they bring, or because we
need them for our continued physical existence. The
latter is clearly not the case, since people can
live without them, however much they may suffer or
consider themselves unfulfilled; we can only say
that we prefer them in order not to suffer as much
or to be unfulfilled. And we have already seen that
we don't need comfort and pleasure, no matter how
much we may want them.
People may also argue that we "need" the
afore-mentioned things, particularly love, in order
to live lives which produce the most benefit and
happiness for others, to say nothing of ourselves. Now
there is no doubt that this is desirable, in fact
supremely desirable, but it still does not mean that
these things are necessary to physical existence. They
may be to psychological health; it certainly is the
case that we prefer to be happy, and that other people
are better off if we act wisely and lovingly to them
and it may be the case that our beings deteriorate
gradually without those things. But our bodies
deteriorate gradually anyway, no matter what we do;
so that gradual deterioration is not an argument which
proves needs. Even if we could prove that we lived
ten years longer, or a hundred years longer, by
having all these non-material attainments, it would
only prove that they enabled us to live that much
longer; it would not prove that they were necessary
to live, and again the argument would reduce to
whether we preferred to live that much longer or
not. And while it may be that society itself will
deteriorate if people don't have these things, the
best we can say then is that they are "necessary"
for the continuation of society, but we cannot
answer the question of whether it is necessary for
society to continue. And this argument also merely
subordinates the individual's importance to the
supra-entity called society, so that it contradicts
the intended desire of self-fulfillment.
I have gone into this point at some length, trying
to show by many examples that most of those things
which we call "needs" are actually only "wants"
no matter how much they may make our lives more
comfortable or pleasant. Of course we are entitled
to say that they are necessary to attain that
comfort and pleasure, and further that life is not
worth living (in our opinion) without comfort and
pleasure, or satisfaction and fulfillment; but those
opinions are not proven merely by asserting them
and there is sound evidence for the opposite, that
comfort and pleasure, and continued life can be
found without any of the particular trappings so
many of us deem "necessary". The proof of this
is that some of us find comfort or pleasure in
some things, and others of us are indifferent to
those things but find comfort or pleasure in
other things, and after all that people have lived
for centuries without any of those things. But
nevertheless we can say that we "need" whatever things
there are which are necessary to our continued
physical existence, although we can never say that
we "need" that continued physical existence, we can
only say that we prefer it.
I identify a ten-point scale of basic needs for
continued physical existencer based on the
rough length of time that an individual can
continue to iive without them. These things are as
follows, and I will discuss each briefly afterward:
0 - Safety
1 - Air
2 - Water
3 - Food
4 - Rest
5 - Exercise
6 - Social interaction
7 - Intimate interaction ("love")
8 - Aesthetic stimulation ("beauty")
9 ~ Philosophical stimulation ("ideas")
It should be evident that we can go for longer without
food than we can without water or air, and that
when we are in a burning house or falling off a
cliff, as much air or water as possible is useless;
further that we can go for longer without exercise
than we can without rest, and that rest and exercise
while necessary to physical health, are unhelpful
if we are deprived of food, water, or air; and finally
that while all our social and psychological needs
must be met for our longterm existence, we can go for
much longer with them being unsatisfied than we can
without sustenance or proper body care. Thus in this
hierarchy our needs on each level must be satisfied
before anything on the next level has any longterm use.
Safety, while indispensable and irrefutable, is
not usually recognized as the lowest level of
need. Also the length of time we can survive
in precarious straits varies from individual to
individual and situation to situation. But there are
clearly some situations, such as being chased by a
tiger, or trapped in a sinking ship, or in a building
toppled by an earthquake, where we can survive for
only a few seconds at most, even if the hardiest
among us could survive for several minutes. Fortunately
we are exposed to this kind of danger but seldom.
Food and water and air are obvious needs. We can
survive only a few minutes without air, and only a
few days without water. As to food, people's ability
varies, but still the hardiest yogi can survive only
a few weeks or at most a few months without food. But
that only tends to prove that food is not the dire
necessity we think it is.
Rest and exercise are opposite sides of a higher
level of need. It may be that we can go for longer
without water or food than we can without rest
although here again individual capacity varies;
some can go for days or weeks without
long periods of rest, although probably none can go
for more than a few days without any sleep or rest
at all. The quality of the rest is also significant;
short periods of deep rest appear to be better than
long periods of disturbed sleep. But we can go for
months or years without exercise, although our body
weakens gradually and our muscles atrophy; such
disintegration can often be overcome once exercise
is resumed.
The last four levels of needs are admittedly
more speculative. There can be no doubt however
that contact with human beings is necessary for
people to remain human; they can remain alive for
a long time but their ability to interact and to
care for others atrophies. Many people in fact will
go insane after prolonged lack of contact with other
people. Thus we can consider this a need, on a higher
level than the others.
Intimate interaction is still one more rung up
the ladder. Without it a person continues to live
may even live a full span of years, but loses
flexibility and spontaneity, and directness and
immediacy in their interactions, if all they
experience are the more formal and distant albeit
necessary social contacts that we have with strangers
passersby, even acquaintances. It is to fulfill our
needs for comforting, for close sharing of experience
for expressing doubts and worries and fears, as well
as expressing childlike joys and radiance, that we
require this supply of intimate interaction. The
signs of its sufficiency are self-confidence
self-respect, self-esteem.
Whether the last two are needs at all, in view
of the arguments at the beginning of this essay
may be questioned. However, it would appear that
even with all the previous needs satisfied a person
still fails to be creative, fails to be appreciative
fails to be fully involved with life and people
and the artifacts they produce, if they
are denied aesthetic stimulation, the presence of
at least a modicum of beauty and harmony in their
surroundings in which they live. You can survive
amidst squalor and ugliness and chaos, and you can
be unconscious of it if you are receiving love and
feedback, but it is like a cage, a barnyard, a
cave; you will never be able to fly in spirit and
reach the pinnacle of being able to love life without
the assistance of other people ministering to
your needs. And if a person fails to be creative
then in some sense he has failed at being human, he
has merely passed through life and neither contributed
to it nor experienced it fully.
Finally, although perhaps interchangeably with
aesthetic stimulation, we reach the need for
philosophical stimulation. Inasmuch as many
people live their whole lives without any such
stimulation we may question whether it is actually
a need at all. Where it differs from the previous
level is that if it is unsatisfied a person never
attains a sense of life as a whole or of moral and
ethical virtue, or of what is really worthwhile. It
is in trying to meet this need that the concept
of God and purpose in life have been invented. So
it appears to be the highest level of individual need
though unmet in a majority of cases.
In another essay I shall present an analogous
set of levels for the actual needs for the
continued physical existence of a group, over
and above that of an individual.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)