Published in Tangerine Writeups
at Woodland High School, California
Spring, 1952
Out in the limitless stretches of our universe
lie thousands of other suns, billions of miles
apart. The existence of other planetary systems
like our own around them is entirely admissible.
It might even be that other civilizations, some
further developed than our world's, some behind
ours, though at present doubted, or some other form
of life exists upon others or all of our planetary
brethren. And, using the greed and avarice paramount
in our own culture as a criterion, it must be
admitted that empire-seeking invasions by other
worlds could be a horror of the future.
However, a little careful thought reveals the
improbability of the existence of these other
clvilizations. The earth is unique in that
its orbit is at just the right distance from the
sun to permit life as we know it to exist. At a
certain distance from every star the heat has
decreased to provide an orbit similar to the earth's
but it is scarcely probable that these paths all
contain planets which support life comparable to
that on our earth.
Assuming that other civilizations do exist
whether in our system or not, the probability
that any life they support is similar to ours
is very low. Principally, different atmospheric
conditions, providing varying amounts of heat
would cause other existences to differ to such an
extent that earth would be totally unsuitable to
them. Different substances making different types
of life on these planets would make basic
The fact that other civilizations may be behind
ours is another sign of hope. They may, like
us, still be faced with the problems of beating
gravity, defending themselves against meteors
and cosmic rays, and maintaining energy for the
tremendous distances from one planet to another
which reduces to zero the possibilities of attack.
Simply because another civilization exists does not
mean that it is in advance of ours. Again, their
civilization may be so far ahead of ours as to make
useless our resistance. Their possible higher weapons
and advanced scientific knowledge would overwhelm our
puny explorations in science and physics.
The danger from outer space attacks arouses a
person's nationalistic spirit to the thought
"How can we protect our country against interspatial
invasions?" But an attack anywhere on the
earth would affect our country because of the
inter-dependence of the world. Therefore, a sound
world peace is necessary to the defense of our nation
and all nations from outer space.
The earlier slur at science should not be taken
too seriously. It is certain that man does
possess some potency with which to wage battle
and proper and intelligent usage could well defend
us from such interspatial invasions. Gigantic radar
antennae with special development and ability could
locate the smallest interruption in the ionosphere
or outer shell of the atmosphere. Electronics has
produced and will produce many devices not dependent
on human manipulation. The photo-electric cell, or
"electric eye", is also capable of locating the entry
of foreign bodies into our atmosphere; and the thyraton
an electronic device able to perform many acts
upon receiving impulses from the "electric eye", could
if built on a vast enough scale, be responsible for
rendering these bodies harmless, whether they were
meteorites, ships bent on destruction and conquering
or ships of friendly intentions.
Therein lies the greatest reason for eliminating
ideas of ferocious resistance from our minds. Assuming
these other worlds and civilizations do exist, granting
that these cultures far outstrip ours, acknowledging
that they are able to penetrate the vast reaches of
space, if they have advanced thus far scientifically
they will not come winging down on journeys of
annihilation but will come with open scientific minds
ready to observe, classify, and generalize about the
earth and the human race to advance their knowledge of
the universe, just as we would do if the opportunity
were made ours.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)