February, 1965
"What do you do when you're asleep?" -- Seth Hill
One time I made up a list of my favorite activities.
At the top of the list was sleeping.
Sleep does three basic things: physical rest
emotional rest, and synchronous fantasy. I shall
describe these three in detail.
First, however, I wish to delve into the realm
of daydreaming. One of my basic compulsions
but a neutral one in that it is both good and
bad, is elaborate intentional guided daydreaming
which I call "imaginating". A great deal of my
waking and pre-sleeping life (that time spent in
bed going to sleep) has been spent in living many
lives in my "imaginating" activity. They'have in-
cluded: lives as an athlete in all sports
successful lives in business and politics, writing
and directing, traveling and family raising, space
travel, jungle life, lives incorporating all of these
activities, lives altering my past and postulating
my future, lives of grotesque and unusual activities
cowboy, detective, pirate, cave-man, and soldier lives
and so on throughout the range of all
the fiction and biography I have read or invented.
Truly I have lived many lives, and have done all
things many times.
Has this done me good or harm? I can't recom-end it
because of the prodigious waste of time
that could be spent in more direct productivity
nor because of the compulsive nature of it whereby
I can work myself into a veritable headache and
leave undone other things that I want to and must
get done. But I still feel that it has
contributed to my breadth of interests and my ability
to respond to unusual as well as ordinary situations.
I have felt, re-felt, hypothesized
tested, and corroborated feelings, thoughts, and
even actions, in these hours and hours of fruitless
fruitful activity.
Daydreaming seems to me to be a level of activity
with tremendous potential for developing greater use
of our minds. Perhaps sometime I will write something
in more detail specifying approaches and uses
of these tools. But its relevance to your question
is in the realm of what I call synchronous fantasy:
dreams, but more than dreams -- synchronously exercising
and exploring intellectual, emotional, and physical
There exists a real difference between our waking
and dream worlds, despite all arguments about the
nature of the conscious and subconscious minds.
This difference may be expressed perhaps concisely as:
Everything is possible in the dream world, but there
is limited conscious directing. In the waking world
there is only limited possibility, but everything (that
is possible) may be consciously directed.
In dreams at night one may experience all the wildest
adventures, if one can bring them about; in daytime
experience, only the most usual things will generally
come to pass but you know that it is genuine experience.
In daydreams these two worlds may be merged, and those
desired or experimental experiences may be lived
under the conscious management and awareness of the
thoughts and feelings. But how can it ever be
real, you ask? That is what I am not sure of; I
remember vividly the many experiences I have had
and my brain says, Don't be silly, those never
really happened, and my feeling-memory says
I have lived indeed.
Now what of spontaneity? The dream world, in
absence of control by the waking world
rambles among the scraps of literature of the
memory or the mind, or I don't care what you call
it, but it produces combinations and pictures and
experiences which would never be assembled by the
conscious mind. And daydreaming gets lost in repetition
of traveling the same road again and again because
one really doesn't know how to vary it. My suggestion
is that through actively practicing daydreaming
one can bring the spontaneous element from the dream
world into the waking world, and the directive ability
may reach down into the dream world, and one can
approach a fusion of the mind-substance
and mind-activity...and maybe even reach another
plane of whole, transcendent existence.
More mundanely, let me assert that dreaming
falls into three catego:ies. Anticipatory
dreams are the explorat~ons of the subconscious
among those hopes, fears, expectations which
have not yet come to fruition in the waking world;
recapitulatory dreams are the explorations of the
subconscious among those memories, reactions
images which have been collected as a result of past
experiences in the waking world. It does not take
much attention to perceive these two: who were the
people you dreamed about, what were the elements of
the situation, what was the resolution of the
situation? Such dreams make up at least ninety per
cent of the dreams of at least ninety'per cent of us.
Creative dreams, the third category, are the
most important ones. It is here that the visionary
the clairvoyant dream occurs; I do not say how
but I am sure that it does occur. It is also here
that the potential for mental development lies;
we dream of far-removed situations which have no
relevance (so far as we can see) to our anticipations
and recapitulations, which, operating beyond
conscious and physical limitations, are the
"fun and fancy free" with which we would want to
decorate, ornament, impregnate, and saturate
our "odorless, grey, droning world." What I do
or would like to do, or at the very least would
like to try to do, while asleep, is to augment and
expand my potential for creative or intentional
There is more that might be said about the
first two categories. It is here that nightmares
occur, representing some unfortunate
combination of experiential memory and premonitive
anticipation. It is in this category that the serial
or reoccurrent dream takes place, representing some
context or situation which the subconscious mind is
exploring again and again, like a broken record.
It is here also that certain symbolic dreams occur
especially,the ones representing the universal or
virtually universal imagery. It is here that the
practice in developing conscious spontaneity finds
its field of materials, toward the goal of ability
to eliminate repetition, to vary in infinite patterns
one's conscious dreaming.
The second major thing which is accomplished in
sleep, is achieving physical rest. That
sounds obvious and trite, but let me describe
it this way. The human body is an organism, a
kind of machine, and will burn out if it is run too
continuously or too fast. It has re-creative powers
which a machine does not, and exercising those
powers is what I am doing when I partake of physical
rest. The muscles, the eyes, the digestive tract
the blood stream, all of these frequently are
pushed towards their physical limits, and in
sleeping I am letting the powerful magic of the
organism replenish its depleted energy. There is no
cure as necessary and as many times sufficient for
an aching or over-extended organism than sleeping.
The greatest thing which sleeping does, and the
reason I placed it topmost in my list of favorite
activities, is the providing of surcease
of emotional rest. There are many kinds of situations
I might think of, in which the psychology of
the self or whatever is disintegrated or disassembled.
A tragedy may strike one, leaving its drowning wake
of helplessness and meaninglessness. The
heart may be wracked by the separation from the one
who was most important for a while, a stormy sea in
which a person's self-value, self-respect, hopes and
wishes dissolve leaving only anguish and incipient
bitterness. The degree of calm equanimity towards
oneself, of knowing one's purpose and direction
may disappear through failure, pressure, confusion
and the same quality may vanish in the way one sees
others, leaving only empty questions about empty values
intentions, meanings. But to all these stretched
tendons of emotion sleep comes as a panacea, knitting
up the ravelled sleeves of care, carrying one away
from the presence of the oppressive pain-inflicting
waking world while the root of the emotional engine
may tighten itself up once more. This may, as you know
have to occur many times before the sharp edge of
the situation has turned into only a soft, stinging
memory, about which one has both fond and bitter
memories. Even then, the bitter memories die away
before.the fond ones, and that is the glad truth
of emotional recuperation. But in sleeping
I find the answer to all my problems
perhaps it is the anticipation of a new day
perhaps it is the retreat into a womblike comfort
for a journey into the dream world where "possible"
does not exist, perhaps it is only compulsive habit
of the warmth and inactivity of one's blankets.
So how much have I said that is of value to you
as you seek to form a theory of sleep? Firstly
I regenerate my machine through its chemical
processes; secondly, I dream three kinds of dreams
the anticipatory, or the recapitulatory, or the
creative or intentional, over which I seek to
increase my conscious powers and from which I hope
to diffuse a greater spontaneity into my waking world;
and thirdly, I bring back together the vagrant
emotions, and try to re-establish my unity at that
deep level of being which motivates my actions
constitutes my feelings, and gives color and tones
to my ideas and values.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)