It is a hidden assumption of the Christian religion
that somehow the world changed fundamentally with
the advent of Jesus, that the relationship between
God and man changed, that God's attitude towards men
was different after Jesus came than before, or that
God would treat men differently. But it is obvious
or should be obvious, that every single teaching of
Jesus existed just as much, and could have been
practiced just as much, during all the years preceding
Jesus as those after him, so that even if Jesus was
the first to discover them, he did not invent them
and there is no reason to think that his teaching
them caused any change in the attitude of God towards
men. But furthermore, careful study will show that
those teachings had been given before, and did not
originate with Jesus.
We may begin with the first Great Commandment
as it is called: Love God above all else
with everything you've got. Now, without worrying
about the meaning of this commandment, we can
find that it was previously given by Moses, or
attributed to him, in the book of Deuteronomy
chapter 6, verse 5. Likewise, the second Great
Commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself, was
also given by Moses, in the book of Leviticus
chapter 19, verse 18. Therefore we could conclude
our inquiry at this point, for Jesus himself tells us
There is none other commandment greater than these
(Mark 12: 31); so that not only was it possible for
a person to practice these precepts of love of God
and love of man before Jesus came, but in fact
those teachings had already been given long before
Jesus, more than one thousand years before. So the
coming of Jesus changed nothing with respect to
these two greatest commandments, and our conclusion
is already proven. Even if Jesus proclaimed lesser
commandments, which no one else in the world before
had enunciated, they would still be lesser, for Jesus
himself acknowledged these two commandments of Moses
to be the greatest.
But we can inquire further, as to other teachings
attributed to Jesus. If we look at his most unusual
teaching, Love your enemies, we can find once more
that Moses also gave this commandment, in a more
primitive form, but still the same idea: Love the
stranger (Deut. 10:19) ~ and, If thou see thine enemy's
ox or ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back
to him.. (Ex. 23:4). But we find a much stronger
statement in the book of Proverbs, chapter 25, verse 21:
If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat, and if
he be thirsty, give him water to drink. So that while
Jesus carries this idea to its ultimate conclusion:
Do good to them which despitefully use you, and
Love the unjust as much as the just, and the evil
as well as the good, even as God sends his rain and
sun upon all alike, still the practice of this precept
was clearly possible long before Jesus, and most likely
it has been possible as long as God has existed;
and the precept itself has existed, at least since
Moses' time.
Jesus is often credited with being the first person
in the world to perceive and teach the Fatherhood of God
with its consequence that all people are brethren. Again
certainly Jesus used this concept to a wider degree
than any earlier Old Testament prophet, but we can find
the idea expressed poignantly in Malachi, chapter 2
verse 10: Have we not all one Father? hath not one God
created us? And the idea that God is the creator
of all people occurs repeatedly in Isaiah and Amos
and Hosea, and so even if the idea was not widespread
no one can claim that it originated with Jesus, and
even if he had been the first to recognize and proclaim it
we can be sure that it was a fact before Jesus as well
at least all the way back to Abraham, and we may believe
even earlier.
And it is also universally thought that Jesus was
the first to proclaim the importance and necessity
of seeking the kingdom of God: Seek ye first the
kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all else
shall be added unto you. But this teaching also can
be found in the Old Testament, in Amos, chapter 5
verse 4: Seek ye me, saith the Lord, and ye shall
live. And many other passages can be found in the
Old Testament prophets: Learn to do well, care for
the fatherless and the widow (Isa. 1:17); Seek ye
the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, seek righteousness
seek meekness (Zeph. 2:3); Let judgment (justice) and
righteousness run down as a mighty stream (Amos 5:24);
do not sell the poor for silver and the needy for a
pair of shoes (Amos 2:6); Thus saith the Lord, I will
have mercy, not sacrifice (Hos 6:6). The verse from
Hosea is quoted at least twice by Jesus as a challenge
to his detractors as to what they should learn. And
in Micah, chapter 6, verse 8, we find a summation of
the Great Commandments in a single sentence: What doth
the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to
love mercy, and to walk humbly with God? which Jesus
calls the "weightier matters of the law" in his discourse
against the scribes and Pharisees. So again not only was
the pursuit of righteousness just as possible before Jesus
as after him, but the prophets had been preaching
those requirements of conduct six and seven hundred
years earlier.
But having probed thus far, we do still find
one central teaching attributed to Jesus which
cannot be found in the Old Testament: Resist
not him that is evil, with the logical examples he
gives, Turn your other cheek unto him that strikes
you; Give your cloak as well to him that takes
away your coat; and Give unto him that asks of
you. Now there is no doubt that Jesus meant this
teaching, since it is confirmed by other teachings
the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, his answer
of Render unto.Caesar the things that are Caesar's
and his allowing himself to be crucified. And
there is no doubt also that the practice of this
precept has served to identify more than any other
the true practitioners of Christianity through the
centuries, the early Christians, St. Francis, George
Fox, and others. But did it originate with Jesus?
and is it after all the imprint of his existence
that which makes the world different since he came
from before he came? Again the answer is, No; for
not only was this most difficult of all religious
teachings just as practiceable before Jesus' birth
as it has been since, but it was proclaimed by
Socrates in the Dialogues of Plato, the "Crito", at
least 500 years earlier: For when we are injured
we are not to injure in return, for we must injure
no one at all, nor are we to return eyil for evil.
So Christians cannot claim that Jesus invented this
precept either, any more than they can claim that
they practice it, as it has been violated by most
of Christianity since the beginning.
And if we consider one more teaching of Jesus
which cannot be found in the Old Testament:
Forgive without ceasing, we can see that it
merely follows from the previous one. For if we
bear all wrongs patiently, if we give to those who
ask of us, if we return not evil for evil, the way
in which this attitude expresses itself is naturally
in forgiveness. But unlimited forgiveness also
was possible, however much it may have been unknown
as a precept, before Jesus, as much as it was after;
and we must assume that it would have been just as
pleasing to God for man to forgive unto seven times
or unto seventy times seven, before Jesus as after.
Thus, we have seen that all of the teachings of Jesus
were not only proclaimed before his time, but that
the practice of them was just as possible before his
time as well, whether they had been proclaimed or
not. And can we believe that God would have condemned
any person who lived before Jesus' time who practiced
these teachings: who did justly and loved mercy, who
loved his enemies as his neighbors as himself, who
forgave all injuries done to him, who did unto others
as he would have done unto him? Of course not; a God
of love and mercy could not possibly condemn such a
practitioner, whether that person knew of Jesus
or not. There is not a single precept of Jesus which
was not just as performable before his time as after
so that even if Jesus had been the first to enunciate
them as rules for behavior, it would only be the case
that he had discovered them, not invented them
just as Newton discovered mechanics, but did not
invent it. This is not to disparage the teachings of
Jesus, it is only to refute the notion that the
world changed fundamentally when he came, which in
his own words it did not: There is no other
commandment greater than those given by Moses:
Love God, and love all people.
* * * * *
Of course Christians will claim that Jesus did
not come merely to teach more excellent morality
or more love of humanity, but that he taught us
to worship him as the Messiah and as the Savior
of the world. But Jesus himself never claimed to
be "the" Messiah, in fact as we have shown elsewhere
he denied it; and Jesus himself never used the word
Savior. The idea may have come from what may indeed
be a remark of his: For the Son of man came to seek
and save that which was lost. But he says this after
welcoming Zacchaeus into his following, not in
connection with his death; nor does the statement
mention the world in any case. The myth of Jesus
as God or the Son of God, and as dying on the cross
as a sacrifice or a ransom to God for the sins of men
was invented by Paul and the early Christians as an
explanation to the Gentiles for why Jesus died
and not only does it not come from Jesus nor have
anything to do with his teachings, but it is a most
primitive and vindictive notion of God, who would
require the death of his "son" to satisfy his anger
and wrath against men (to say nothing of the
polytheistic nature of the concept of a "son" of God
or the pagan notion that God would impregnate a human
female, much as Jupiter was used to doing), which
contrasts with and is contradicted by the teaching
in the Old Testament where 'God orders Abraham not
to sacrifice his son Isaac according to the custom
which is also one of the reasons why the Jews
the writers of the Old Testament, were never able
to accept Christianity.
And Christians also believe that Jesus is somehow
still alive, that after his resurrection he lived on
and on just like God, and that in this respect the
world did fundamentally change, and the situation
now is that we must worship him, or God will not
forgive us. Now it is entirely admissible that there
is a "spirit of man" which is eternal, a quality of
being which can corne to flower in each and every person;
and it is entirely possible that Jesus was referring
to some such spirit when he used the term "Son of man".
ThiS term itself is a Hebrew expression which can be
just as accurately translated "spirit of man" in
this sense as "son of man", but what a difference
in so many of Jesus' statements: "The spirit of man
has power on earth to forgive sins:" "The SPirit of man
is lord of the Sabbath:" "The days will come
when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the
spirit of man, and ye shall not see it! But there is
no grounds for believing that Jesus said that he would
rise from the dead, any more than there is for believing
that he actually did or that he lives on and on in the
person. Even though he is reported to have said
that "after three days" he would rise again, he
contradicts that by saying "There shall no sign be given
unto the people" and "If people hear not Moses and
the prophets, neither will they be persuaded EVEN IF
there is no way of figuring three days between his death
and his reported resurrection; at most it is two days
if he was executed on Friday morning and rose on
Sunday morning. And this completely gives the lie
to Matthew's claiming that Jesus said, "For even as
the Son of man was three dqys and nights in the heart
of the earth..." or John's that he said, "Destroy
this body (=temple), and in three days I will raise it
up." These words were all put in Jesus' mouth
by later Christians to support their claims of his
appearances to them. But Jesus himself could never
have said them, for he refused to give a sign, and
he refused to jump off the pinnacle of the temple
to prove that he was the "son of God" but calls it
a temptation of the devil. And nowhere in Jesus'
teaching can any statement be found which says or
implies that he had to die on the cross to propitiate
God's wrath or to transform the order of the world
or that all who disbelieved were damned.
(originally published under the name of John Fitz)