by miriam berg
In my earlier work called "The Story of Yeshua" I told the
story of Jesus as I thought it must have happened, after much
study of the gospels and works about the gospels. After more
than two decades and much discussion with many persons about that
story, I can see two main defects or lacks in it. Firstly, I did
not provide any references for the quotations or paragraphs in my
story, although there was a listing of the references I had used
chapter by chapter in the Table of Contents. Secondly, I did
not sufficiently explain why my recasting of quotations from the
gospels or rewording of narrative descriptions were justified in
terms of all the evidence as I saw it.
This second book, called Handbook to the Gospels, is intended
to correct those deficiencies and make it clearer why my telling
of the story of Jesus and what he said and did is more probable
than the traditional notions. I have also included all of the
sayings attributed to Jesus by the gospel of Thomas, which is now
accepted by scholars as being just as authentic as the canonical
A word about my own background. I had grown up in a religious
household, my mother being a lifelong Christian Scientist. So I
came to the University of California in 1952 not questioning the
existence of God or the existence of Jesus, in fact I made a point of
saying that I didn't believe anyone was a real atheist. I remember
how startled I was after encountering for the first time the notion
that Jesus was actually God in human form. I spent a few years in
reading and researching to try to find some proof that there was a
God, and equally some proof that Jesus really existed. Then after
I began psychotherapy in 1958, and my therapist suggested that i
attend the seminar in the Records of the Life of Jesus at Four
Springs, California, I attended that study group, and again in the
following two summers. Up to that point I had not heard of Sharman
or the Records or textual criticism at all; I did not yet even know
that Mark was considered the oldest gospel! But I can cite those
three summers at Four Springs as changing my life and giving me my
lifelong interest in the gospels and what they say and whether it
can be verified.
I want to express my thanks to all those who have read my
earlier work and offered me their feedback and challenges. And
to repeat from my first preface I owe an overwhelming debt to
those who have preceded me in these studies: Elizabeth Boyden
Howes, who led the Seminars in the Records of the Life of Jesus
which I attended for those three years; Henry Burton Sharman, whose
life work, embedded in and constituted by his masterly book called
"The Records of the Life of Jesus" and his doctoral thesis called
"The Teachings of Jesus About the Future" are unexcelled and
complete and irrefutable; and my lifelong friend Dryden Linsley
Phelps, who had been a friend of Sharman's and who modelled the
Christ for me and who always encouraged me in my work on creating
my earlier work.
And my gratitude also to all the notable scholars going back
to the 1600s who have pored over the gospels and the earliest
manuscripts and brought our historical understanding of the life
of Jesus and the gospels to its present levels, not the least of
whom were Friedrich Schliermacher who first proposed the existence
of document Q, Ernest deWitt Burton, who showed that Q was actually
two documents which he called G and P, and Burton Streeter, whose
5-document thesis practically created the modern understanding of
the gospels.