CHAPTER I 1. Luke's prologue 2. Genealogy |
Matthew 1:1-17 |
Luke 1:1-4 (3:23-38) |
3. Forecast to John's father 4. Forecast to Jesus' mother 5. Forecast by John's mother 6. Forecast to Jesus' father |
1:8-25 |
1:5-25 1:26-38 1:39-56 |
7. The birth of John 8. The birth of Jesus 9. The shepherds and angels 10. The dedication in Jerusalem 11. The three wise men 12. Joseph's flight to Egypt 13. The slaughter of the boys 14. Joseph returns to Nazareth 15. Jesus and the rabbis 16. The youth of Jesus |
2:1-12 2:13-15 2:16-18 2:19-23 |
1:57-80 2:1-7 2:8-20 2:21-39 2:39-50 2:51-52 |
17. The coming of John (17a) John's teachings 18. The baptism of Jesus 19. Luke's genealogy 20. The temptations |
Mark 1:1-8 1:9-11 1:12-13 |
Matthew 3:1-12 3:13-17 4:1-11 |
Luke 3:1-20 (3:10-15) 3:21-22 3:23-28 4:1-13 |
CHAPTER II 21. Jesus returns to Galilee 22. He visits Nazareth 23. He calls his first disciples 24. He preaches in Capernaum 25. He heals many 26. His mission is preaching 28. He tells a leper he's cured 29. He disputes with the scribes |
Mark 1:14-15 1:16-20 1:21-28 1:29-34 1:35-39 1:40-45 2:1-12 |
Matthew 4:12-17 4:18-22 (8:14-17) 4:23 (8:2-4) (9:2-8) |
Luke 4:14-15 4:16-30 (5:1-11) 4:31-37 4:38-41 4:42-44 5:12-16 5:17-26 |
CHAPTER III 30. Jesus dines with publicans 31. Jesus does not fast 32. Jesus ignores the sabbath 33. Jesus heals on the sabbath 34a. Great crowds follow him 34b. He teaches from a boat 35. He selects 12 disciples Summary of document G |
Mark 2:13-17 2:18-22 2:23-28 3:1-6 3:7-8 3:9-12 3:13-19 |
Matthew (9:9-13) (9:14-17) (12:1-8) (12:9-14) 4:24-25 (12:15-21) (10:1-4) |
Luke 5:27-32 5:33-39 6:1-5 6:6-11 6:12-19 (3:10-8:3) |
CHAPTER IV 36. The Sermon on the Mount 37a. The Sermon continued |
Matthew 5:1-20 5:21-5:43 |
Luke (Document G) 6:20-26 6:27-36 |
CHAPTER V 37b. Teachings on piety 38a. Teachings on wealth and anxiety (continued) (continued) (continued) 38b. Teachings on righteousness Parable of the two houses |
Matthew 6:1-18 6:19-21 6:22-23 6:24 6:25-34 7:1-7:23 7:24-8:1 |
Luke (Document G) 6:37-46 6:47-49 |
Luke (Document P) (12:33-34) (11:34-35) (16:13) (12:22-32) |
CHAPTER VI 39. The centurion's servant 40. The young man in Nain 41. John's disciples come 42. The adulterous woman 43. He tours Galilee |
Luke 7:1-10 7:11-17 7:18-35 7:36-50 8:1-3 |
Matthew 8:5-13 (11:2-19) |
CHAPTER VII 44. His friends say he's crazy 45. He is called a madman 46. He redefines his family 47. Parables of the kingdom of God 48a.More parables 48b.Parables from document M |
Mark 3:19b-21 3:22-30 3:31-35 4:1-25 4:26-34 |
Matthew (12:22-45) (12:46-50) (13:1-23) (13:24-30) (13:31-53) |
Luke (11:14-32) (8:19-21) 8:4-18 (13:18-21) |
CHAPTER VIII 50. Crossing the Sea 51. The madman in Gergesa 52. Two healings at once 53. Two blind men 54. The visit to Nazareth 56. Mission of the disciples 60. Feeding 5000 61. Walking on the water 62. Jesus heals many 63. Disputes with Pharisees (101.Herod wants to kill him) 64. The flight to Phoenicia 66. Healing a deaf mute 67. Feeding 4000 68. He refuses to give a sign 69. Remarks on leaven 70. Healing a blind man |
Mark 4:35-41 5:1-20 5:21-43 6:1-6 6:7-13 6:32-46 6:47-52 6:53-56 7:1-23 7:24-30 7:32-37 8:1-10 8:11-13 8:14-21 8:22-26 |
Matthew 8:18-27 8:28-34 9:18-26 9:27-34 (13:54-58) 9:36-10:42 14:13-23 14:23-33 14:34-36 15:1-20 (23:37-39) 15:21-28 15:29-39 16:1-4 16:5-12 |
Luke 8:22-25 8:26-39 8:40-56 (4:17-30) 9:1-6 9:10-17 (13:31-35) |
CHAPTER IX 71. At Caesarea Philippi 72. Forecast of his death 73. Costs of discipleship 74. The vision of Jesus 75. The epileptic youth 76. 2nd forecast of his death 77. Donation to the temple 78. Many teachings, part I Many teachings, part II Many teachings, part III Parable on forgiveness 79. Departure for Jerusalem |
Mark 8:27-30 8:31-33 8:34-9:1 9:2-13 9:14-29 9:30-32 9:33-40 9:41-50 10:1 |
Matthew 16:13-20 16:21-23 16:24-28 17:1-13 17:14-20 17:22-23 17:24-27 18:1-5 18:6-10 18:15-22 18:23-34 19:1-2 |
Luke 9:18-21 9:22 9:23-27 9:28-36 9:36-42 9:43-45 9:46-50 9:51 |
CHAPTER X 80. A village in Samaria 81. Remarks about discipleship 82. Report of the disciples' mission 83. The good Samaritan 84. The home of Mary and Martha 85. About prayer 86. A charge of madness 87. The nature of blessedness |
Luke 9:52-56 9:57-62 10:1-24 10:25-37 10:38-42 11:1-13 11:14-26 11:27-28 |
Matthew (8:19-22) (10:7-14) (6:9-13;7:7-11) (12:22-30) |
CHAPTER XI 88. The sign of Jonah 89. Light and darkness 90. The scribes and Pharisees 91. Teachings about the future 92. Parable of the rich man 93. Be not anxious for your life 94. More teachings |
Luke 11:29-32 11:33-36 11:37-54 12:1-12 12:13-21 12:22-34 12:35-48 |
Matthew (12:38-45) (5:15;6:22-23) (23:25-26,23-24,5-7, 27-28,4,29-31, 34-36,13) (16:11;10:26-33; 12:32;10:19-20) (6:25-34,19-21) (24:43-51) |
CHAPTER XII 95. His mission 96. Signs of the times 97. Other observations 98. He heals on the sabbath 99. Two parables 100. The kingdom of God 101. A warning from Herod 102. Healing on a sabbath 103. The marriage feast 104. Costs of discipleship |
Luke 12:49-53 12:54-59 13:1-9 13:10-17 13:18-21 13:22-30 13:31-35 14:1-6 14:7-24 14:25-35 |
Matthew (19:34-36) (15:2-3;5:25-26) (13:31-33) (various) (23:37-39) (22:2-10) (various) |
CHAPTER XIII 105. Parable of the lost sheep Parable of the lost coin Parable of the prodigal son 106. Parable of the dishonest steward 107. Several sayings 108. Lazarus and the rich man 109. Several more sayings 110. Parable of the servants 111. Healing of ten lepers 112. The day of the son of man 113. The widow and the judge 114. The publican and the Pharisee |
Luke 15:3-7 15:8-10 15:11-32 16:1-12 16:13-18 16:19-31 17:1-6 17:7-10 17:11-19 17:20-37 18:1-8 18:9-14 |
Matthew (18:12-14) (various) (various) (24:26-39) |
CHAPTER XIV 115. Disputes about divorce 116. Jesus blesses the children 117. Teachings about wealth 118. The householder and labourers 119. 3rd forecast of his death 120. Request by James and John 121. The blind beggar of Jericho 122. The dinner with Zaccheus(Document P) 123. Parable of the talents(Document P) |
Mark 10:2-12 10:13-16 10:17-31 10:32-34 10:35-45 10:46-52 |
Luke 18:15-17 18:18-30 18:31-34 (22:25-27) 18:35-43 19:1-10 19:11-28 |
Matthew 19:3-12 19:13-15 19:16-30 20:1-16 20:17-19 20:20-28 20:29-34 |
CHAPTER XV 124. Jesus enters Jerusalem The second lamentation 126. Jesus casts out commerce 127. On faith and forgiveness 128. Challenge by the rulers 129. Parables against the rulers 130. Give unto Caesar Marriage in the afterlife The greatest commandments 131. Whose son is the Messiah He that is without sin (John 8:1-11) |
Mark 11:1-11 11:12-19 11:20-25 11:27-33 12:1-12 12:13-17 12:18-27 12:28-34 12:35-37 |
Luke 19:29-40 19:41-44 19:45-48 20:1-8 20:9-19 20:20-26 20:27-38 20:39-40 20:41-44 |
Matthew 21:1-11 21:12-17 21:18-22 21:23-27 21:28-46 22:15-22 22:23-33 22:34-40 22:41-46 |
CHAPTER XVI 132. Beware of the Pharisees Woe to the Pharisees 133. The true test of giving 134. Discourse on future events The destruction of Jerusalem Signs of the times You will be persecuted The abomination of desolation 135. False messiahs The Day of the Son of Man I Signs in the heavens Parable of the fig tree The Day of the Son of Man II Watch therefore 136. The watchful owner Parable of the steward Parable of the ten virgins Parable of the talents Parable of the sheep and the goats |
Mark 12:38-40 12:41-44 13:1-2 13:3-8 13:9-13 13:14-20 13:21-23 13:24-27 13:28-32 13:33-37 |
Luke 20:45-47 (11:37-54) 21:1-4 21:5-6 21:7-11 21:12-19 21:20-24;(17:31) (17:23) (17:24,37) 21:25-28 21:29-33 (17:26-35) 21:34-36 21:39-40 (12:42-46) (12:35-38) (19:12-26) |
Matthew 23:1-12 23:13-36 24:1-2 24:3-8 (10:17-22); 24:9-14 24:15-22 24:23-26 24:27-28 24:29-31 24:32-36 24:37-41 24:42 24:43-44 24:45-51 25:1-13 25:14-30 25:31-46 |
CHAPTER XVII 137. Plot by the chief priests A woman anoints him 138. The passover Jesus predicts betrayal Jesus refuses to drink The rite of communion Jesus teaches humility Jesus predicts thrones 139. On the mount of Olives They promise to stay Simon's vow to stay with him Discussion about weapons 140. The garden of Gethsemane 141. Jesus is arrested 142. The trial by Caiaphas 143. The trial before Pilate |
Mark 14:1-2,10-11 14:3-9 14:12-17 14:18-21 14:22-25 (10:42-45) 14:26 14:27-31 14:32-42 14:43-52 14:53-62 15:1-20 |
Luke 22:1-6 22:7-14 (22:21-24) 22:15-18 22:19-20 22:25-27 22:28-30 22:31-34 22:35-38 22:39-46 22:47-53 22:54-71 23:1-25 |
Matthew 26:1-5,14-16 26:6-13 26:17-20 26:21-25 26:26-29 (20:25-28) (19:28) 26:30 26:31-35 26:36-46 26:47-56 26:57-75 27:1-31 |
CHAPTER XVIII 144. Jesus is taken to Golgotha The third lamentation Jesus is crucified 145. Jesus is buried 147. Pilate sets a guard 147. The tomb is found empty 148. The guards spread a rumor 149. Two of the disciples see Jesus 150. Eleven of them see Jesus 151. Disciples see him in Galilee The appearances according to John The appearances according to Paul | Mark 15:21 15:22-41 15:42-47 16:1-8 (John 20;John 21) (I Cor. 15:5-8) |
Luke 23:26-27 23:28-31 23:32-49 23:50-56 24:1-12 24:13-32 24:33-53 |
Matthew 27:32 27:33-56 27:57-61 27:62-66 28:1-10 28:11-15 28:16-20 |