by miriam berg
Chapter III
Yeshua ben Yosef was still a young man when he came to be
baptized as a disciple of Yohanan in 28 A.S.D. He is said
to have been about 30 years old, which was the minimum age
for becoming a rabbi; but since he is also said to have been
born during the reign of Herod the Great, who died in 4 B.C.E.,
he must have been older than that. His father Yosef ben Yakub
was said to have been a carpenter or builder of houses, and
Yeshua was said to have followed that trade also. Mark calls
Yeshua a carpenter, and Matthew calls him the carpenter's son.
However, the Greek word used is tekton, which can mean
either woodworker or stonemason. Still, it is clear that Yeshua
was a member of what we would today call the working class.
Yosef is said to have been from a town called Nazareth in
Galilee, and that place is referred to as the hometown of
Yeshua. But there is some doubt that there was a town by
that name at that time; no such place is referred to in the Old
Testament, nor does it appear in any contemporary records. The
reference to Yeshua as a "Nazarene" may simply be a corruption
of the term "Nazarite", which was a Hebrew term for one who had
taken a special vow of service to God. The term came from the
Hebrew word for 'abstain', since they were to abstain from wine,
from cutting their hair, and from touching a corpse, as it is
prescribed in the book of Numbers, chapter 6.
It is also said that Yeshua was born in Beth-Lehem, a town in
Judea about six miles south of Jerusalem. The name means
"house of bread"; it is famous in the Old Testament as the
place where Rachel, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, died, and
where David, the hero-king who had united Israel and Judah, had
been born; and the prophet Micah had predicted that the coming
messiah would be born in that village. And it is further said
that Yosef was descended from David himself. But these traditions
are open to doubt; neither is referred to at any time during the
career of Yeshua as given in the gospels; nor are they referred to
in any of the writings of Paul, the preacher who organized
followers of Yeshua all around the Great Sea, nor in any of the
rest of the New Testament. The gospel of John, in fact, tells us
that these legends, of the birthplace of Yeshua and the ancestry
of Yosef, were not known during the time of Yeshua, when the
priests and elders are arguing that Yeshua cannot be the messiah
since he is from Galilee. And the genealogies given by Matthew
and Luke do not agree with each other, either in names or in number
of generations; they do not even give the same name for the father
of Yosef. Nor can they be confirmed by any of the rabbinical
writings. So it must be that these legends were invented by the
followers of Yeshua to support their claim that he was the messiah,
since it had been written that the line of David would rule
perpetually over Judah.
We are told that Yeshua had always been interested in
religion and Jewish law and history. It was said that
when he was twelve years old, he had stayed behind in
Jerusalem after his bar mitzvah, the Jewish ceremony of
initiation into adulthood, listening to the rabbis in the
temple and asking them questions. We can only guess at his
questions: What was God like? Why did he punish Israel? Why
didn't Israel and Judah stay united, if they were all descended
from Yakub? Why are some men wicked and prosper, and others
suffer even though they obey the ten commandments? If we are
God's chosen people, why are we subject to the Romans? Has God
perhaps chosen the Romans instead of the Jews? These, and
dozens of questions like them, the youth Yeshua must have asked
of these rabbis; we are told that all who heard him were amazed
at his understanding.
We are also told that when Yosef and Miryam returned to
Jerusalem and searched for him and finally found him, they
scolded him, whereupon he asked them, "Why did you worry
about me? Didn't you realize that I would be here, among the
teachers of our religion?" This phrase is translated in the King
James version as "about my father's business", whereas the
Revised Standard version translates it as "in my father's house".
However the Greek says literally, "among these that are of God".
In any case his question to them reveals his deep and early
interest in religion and ethical values.
We hear nothing more about young Yeshua until he appears in
the wilderness of Judea, 60 miles south of Galilee, to be
baptized by Yohanan. Where was he during those years?
Had he been a member of the Essenes? Or had he been a member
of the Qumranian sect? We don't know; but even if he was, and
their orders required that a prospective member serve a
postulancy of one year, followed by a novitiate of another year
for the Qumranians and two years for the Essenes, he must have
left them to begin his preaching, since their teachings
required withdrawal into the desert and separating themselves
from the rest of society. There is also a tradition that he
went to India to study, but there is no evidence for that; and
when we study his actual words, we find that all his images and
ideas come from the Hebrew scriptures. In fact, we will find
that he knew the Old Testament extremely well.
However that may be, since Yeshua came to become a disciple
of Yohanan, we can assume that he believed in Yohanan's
teaching: that there was a day of destruction coming, and
that men must adopt a new and ethical way of life, which Yohanan
had called metanoia, from the Greek for "new being", or
"complete change of heart and mind". As we will see later, Yeshua
praised Yohanan as being the "greatest of those born of women";
the probability is that Yohanan was remembered, not because he
was the forerunner of Yeshua, but because of Yeshua's high opinion
of Yohanan.
What were his thoughts as he stood in the bank of the
Jordan, ready to be immersed, and begin a new way of life?
Was he thinking about the end of the world? Was he already
planning to become a preacher like Yohanan? We can never know;
but we are told that as he was coming out of the water, he felt
as if he saw the "heavens rent asunder", and a dove descending,
and heard a voice speaking to him. This must have been what we
would today call a "mystical experience", or a visionary one;
but since there is no evidence that anyone else saw or heard
anything, we can conclude he must have told this experience to
his followers, in order for them to tell it to us.
And it must also be that Yeshua told them what the voice
said: "You are my beloved son; this day have I begotten
thee." This is a quotation from the second Psalm, and is
quoted this way in both the Acts of the Apostles, and in the
Epistle to the Hebrews, although not in the gospels. This makes
it certain that the voice was to Yeshua, and that Yeshua's
"sonship" with God began at the time of his baptism, whatever
that sonship meant to him. It may have meant no more than,
"You are a child of God; today you have come alive!"
Yeshua then went out into the desert alone, presumably to
meditate on this experience. Mark says that he was
"driven forth", and that "he was with the wild beasts, and
the angels ministered unto him"; all three tell us that he was
"tempted by Satan". But since Mark wasn't there, nor were Luke
or Matthew, they can only have learned this from Yeshua or one
of his followers; and so we can conclude that Yeshua must have
told them about this experience also: "When I was in the desert
alone, I felt tempted to turn stones into bread, so that people
could be fed; but I remembered Deuteronomy, that man does not
live by bread alone. And I also felt tempted to seek rulership
over the kingdoms of the world; but again I remembered
Deuteronomy, that we are to worship God, and to serve only him.
And finally I felt tempted to show some sign to the people,
such as jumping off the roof of the temple, to make them follow
me; but once more I remembered Deuteronomy, that we are not to
tempt God, but to follow in all his ways. Thus all these
temptations seemed to me to be from Satan, the great adversary
of mankind; and I rejected them."
Satan represents the force in the world that tempts people
to do what they know is evil. Originally, it was not a
proper name, and was translated from stn, the Hebrew trigram
for "adversary", or "tempter", to the Greek word diabolos,
meaning "slanderer". Judaic thought never accepted the tempter
as equal to God, but subordinate to him. It was from the
influence of Persian thought, after the Persian conquest in
586 B.C.E., which was duallistic with both a good and an evil
force, called Ormuzd and Ahriman, that the concept took on its
present personification as Lucifer, in the form of a satyr, a
Greek mythological being. But it is certain that Yeshua must
have known that the people held the concept, whether he believed
it literally himself or not.
But one of the hallmarks of this story is that in each case
when Yeshua searched for some way of responding to these
temptations which he labelled Satanic, he found a passage
from the Old Testament, from the Hebrew scriptures, from words
attributed to Moshe, the great Hebrew lawgiver, known today as
Moses, who lived about 1250 B.C.E. Yeshua did not invent new
responses; he searched for and found answers in the accumulated
wisdom of his people.
Then the news must have reached Yeshua that Yohanan had
been arrested. This must have come as a shock: his
revered teacher, whose movement he had just joined, seized
and taken away from them, for preaching moral behavior! But
Yeshua knew what he had to do; Yohanan had preached in the
wilderness, but that was not enough. So when he heard that
Yohanan had been imprisoned, Yeshua returned into Galilee, and
began preaching Yohanan's message to all the people in their