by miriam berg
Chapter XI
(John 11:1-16)
The eleventh chapter of John relates
the tale of the raising of Lazarus
from the dead after four days of being
buried. Now this is a miraculous tale, ranking with the
survival of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the
fiery furnace told of in the book of Daniel. But apart
from whether such a supernatural event, most assuredly
not duplicated since in history, and more than likely
never having occurred previously, actually ever happened,
or is even believable, we can ask once more how it fits
with the stories in the Synoptics, and, in view of its more
spectacular nature than any other miracle attributed to
Jesus or anyone else, how it figures in the rest of the New
Testament, especially the Book of Acts, or the writings
of the earliest apostolic fathers.
So we will observe once again that Jesus claims it
as a sign, as does the narrator,
against Jesus' saying in the Synoptics, that there should
be no sign given, and that the kingdom of God was not
coming with visible signs, nor would anyone be able to
say, Lo, Here! or Lo, there! for the kingdom of God is
within us; and we are told by John that many believed
on him because of it. We must add that the Synoptics
report two instances of Jesus' raising someone from the
dead: Jairus' daughter, about whom Jesus' own comment
was that she was merely asleep (Mark 5:35-43), and
which he did not claim as a sign, but merely told them to
give her something to eat, and "charged them much to
tell no man of this"; and the son of the widow of Nain,
appearing in Luke only (Luke 7:11-17), and
more than likely patterned after the similar event
attributed to Elijah (I Kings 17:17-24); so that
from the Synoptics we can gather no support
for Jesus' having raised someone after four days.
But it is of more significance that Lazarus
is not mentioned anywhere in the Synoptic Gospels,
even though Luke reports an event in the house of Mary and
Martha, whom John tells us were the sisters of Lazarus;
nor is he mentioned anywhere in the Acts of the Apostles,
though we would think that such a person raised from
the dead would have become a most ardent disciple and
spokesman for Jesus as the Messiah and would have
been well-known throughout early Christendom -- "This
is the man whom Jesus of Nazareth raised from the dead
for a sign unto us." Also, Lazarus is not mentioned in
any of the epistles of Paul or any other New Testament
writer, not even in the book of John itself; nor is he
mentioned as evidence or in any other wise in any of
the writings of the first and second century church
Fathers, Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Irenaeus. Of course
we don't have everything they wrote, and references may
merely not have survived; but Clement's Epistle to the
Corinthians is specifically about the Resurrection of the
Body, and it would seem to be appropriate to have
mentioned the resurrection of Lazarus in that context,
but Clement shows no knowledge of it. We can note
finally that the story does not occur either in the recently
discovered Gospel of Thomas, considered by many scholars
to be on a par with the four canonical gospels.
Thus we are forced to conclude that the story of the raising
of Lazarus is a fable, a legend attributed to Jesus,
or outrightly invented by the author of John
as the final argument he could present
in his story about Jesus to convince people of Jesus'
divinity. It is the last miracle reported in John
attributed to Jesus; and in recapitulation we may note
again that John reports only four miracles of healing,
each one claimed as a sign: the nobleman's son, the
lame man by the pool of Bethesda, the blind beggar of
Jerusalem, and Lazarus, in contrast to the dozens of
healings and reported occurrences on which he
"healed many" found in the Synoptics. Then what are
we to think? John presents four healings, all claimed
as signs, contradicting the words of Jesus in the
Synoptics; whereas the Synoptics report 21 healings
and eight miracles, not a single one of which is
claimed as a sign, and most of which Jesus attributes
to the faith of the healed person, and many about
which he adjures them to go and tell no one. What do
you think? whose report is the more credible? or shall
we persist in believing in magic, against the words of
Jesus in the Synoptics, and our own experience, out
of a wishful desire for supernatural intervention in
history, or a blind belief that Jesus was God? And in
conclusion, even if Jesus did raise someone from the
dead, or perform any other miracle, why should it have
any effect on our conduct or our beliefs, since we did
not see it ourselves, and we have only the report of
others that they saw it?
(John 12:1-11)
At the beginning of the twelfth chapter
we are told how Mary and Martha serve a supper
for Jesus at Bethany, at which Mary anoints Jesus'
feet and wipes them with her hair. Now this story
looks very much like an interesting meld of three
different events found in the Synoptics, but each
one told precisely there: in Matt. 26:6-13 and
Mark 14:3-9, which, however, occurs after Jesus'
final entry into Jerusalem, and the house is stated
as that of one Simon the leper, and the woman is
not named; in Luke 7:36-38, this time in the house
of Simon the Pharisee, and the woman is again not
named, and it is an occasion for Jesus to tell a little
parable and expose the Pharisee rather than making
remarks about anointing his body for burial, and it
occurs at the beginning of Jesus' career anyway;
and a possibly unrelated event in Luke 10:38-42,
where Mary and Martha have Jesus to their house
and Martha is "cumbered with much serving" while
Mary sits at Jesus' feet and listens to him, and after
Martha's complaint Jesus speaks approvingly of
Mary as having chosen the "good part".
Now many of the details are strikingly similar
between the story in Matthew and Mark and that in John,
but Mark's report is much more complete
and more like that of an eyewitness. The only similarity
between the story in Luke and that in John is that the woman
wiped Jesus' feet with her hair, which does not occur
in the version told by Mark and Matthew, where the
woman dumps the ointment on Jesus' head, not his
feet. We may note also that the reference to Mary and
Martha in Luke is the only place in the Synoptics
where they are mentioned, and Lazarus is not
mentioned at all.
All of this makes John's report look
like a concocted tale based on several rumors which
had reached him; and it is much more likely that John
combined such rumors than that a single original
event was reported by Matthew, Mark, and Luke in
such different ways. John places the event before
Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem, whereas Mark and
Matthew place it definitely after the entry, just before
the so-called "Last Supper"; Luke's report of the visit
with Mary and Martha does not specify a time or a
place. The only conclusion we can draw for sure is
that Jesus was no doubt at some point in his career
treated in this fashion by a woman, and that he made
at this point or some other point during his career his
famous comment about the poor being always with them
but "me ye have not always". This remark
may be related to another statement found in the
Synoptics: The days will come, when the bridegroom
shall be taken away, and then will they fast in that
day (Mark 2:20). But neither here nor in John is this
statement made as having anything to do with his
rising again.
John concludes his report of the raising of Lazarus
with the statement that the chief priests began to plot
to put Lazarus to death as well, for making people follow
after Jesus. Why? Jesus has raised him once; why
not again? This seemingly historical comment in John
instead reveals the legendary nature of the story.
Next chapter