by miriam berg
Chapter V
(John 5:1-9)
Chapter 5 begins with the story of the man
by the pool of Bethesda, to whom Jesus says,
Arise, take up thy bed, and walk. Again there is a
similar story in the Synoptics; only it happens in
Capernaum, and the man is brought to Jesus in a
crowded house through the roof because they couldn't
get in any other way, and Jesus is reported as saying,
Thy sins are forgiven, because "he saw their faith".
This conflicts with John's saying that Jesus offers to
heal the man, which he never does in the Synoptics,
but instead seeks rather to conceal the fact that people
are healed in his presence. It is as if he were saying to
the man in John's version, Will you believe on me if I
heal you? Which is the more probable, that Jesus was
reluctant to heal, or that he claimed it as evidence of
his Messiahship? or which shows us the more
compassionate person?
(John 5:9-18)
John then reports that the argument which followed
was over healing on the Sabbath, rather than
on forgiveness of sins, as reported in Mark and the
other Synoptists. The Synoptics do however contain
other stories where Jesus is criticized for healing on
the Sabbath, and he retorts, asking his critics if they
wouldn't even help their ox or ass out of a well on
the Sabbath. But in John, his response is a claim
that God is his father, and he tells the man to sin no
more, lest a worse thing happen: both an order and a
threat, uncharacteristic of the Jesus in the Synoptics.
Again, we see John's tendency to take simple stories
as factually reported in Mark et al without exaggerated
claims of his own divinity as explanations and blow
them up. But which picture should we believe, the
down-to-earth carpenter who always refutes his critics
in the Synoptics, or the hard-to-get-along-with
theologizer which John depicts, whose only answer to
any criticism is that he is divine?
(John 5:19-47)
Then Jesus continues his claim to divinity
with a longer discourse on the power and authority
of the "Son". Again this is in a completely different
vein from anything that can be found in the Synoptics,
where Jesus tells homely stories about fields and
vineyards, and seeds and pearls and fish, and never in
a single parable refers to himself. Not the parable of
the wheat and the tares, nor of the sheep and the goats,
nor of the son who returned to his father, can be
interpreted as Jesus referring to himself. All his parables
in the Synoptics have to do with the invisible but
attainable "kingdom of God", and of best and worthy
conduct; so far we have not found a single parable in
the gospel of John. So whose report is genuine? or did
the author of John remember only the one kind of
discourse, and Matthew, Mark, and Luke the other?
But are they even compatible? can a man who taught,
Love your enemies, and Resist not evil, and Give unto
him that asks of you, also have taught, I am greater
than John the Baptizer, and, Moses wrote of me, and,
Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe?
"Verily, verily, I say unto you," the two reports seem
to me to be incompatible; the one has to do with actions,
and the other with belief only; and Jesus, when asked
in Luke what one must do to attain eternal life, replies
with the story of the "Good Samaritan", devoid of any
reference to himself, and finishes by saying, Go, and
do thou likewise.
Next chapter