by miriam berg
Chapter VI
(John 6:1-15)
This is the tale of how Jesus fed the five thousand
on five loaves and two fishes. Now this time we find
in the Synoptics not merely a parallel account, but
two parallel accounts: in Mark 6:32-46
and paraIIels in Matthew and Luke the story is
virtually identical in all details
down to the disciples' lament over spending two hundred pennies
and the twelve baskets of leftovers; in Mark 8:1-10
and Matt. 15:32-39, the number of the multitude is
four thousand, the original number of loaves is seven,
and the number of baskets of leftovers is also seven.
Now the first account is
almost certainly the same tale as that in John, or at any
rate from the same source, perhaps one was cribbed
from the other or vice versa. But John again, in his
zeal to deify Jesus, comments that Jesus "knew what
he would do", when he asked the disciples how they
might buy enough bread.
The second account in Mark
and Matthew is puzzling; is it a retelling of the first
with different number symbology, or did Jesus
perform the miracle twice, as indeed he might have
done? But that is not our subject; all we note here is
that John stuffs words of foreknowledge into Jesus'
mouth, which do not appear in the Synoptic accounts.
And again, as with the water into wine, where is the
moral and ethical teaching? What does it prove about
righteous conduct if Jesus fed thousands on a few
loaves, or even if the truth of the matter was that
people had selfishly hidden their food, and his
willingness to share his little caused them to relent
and share theirs as well, as some scholars have
We note here also that the people refer to Jesus
as a prophet: "This is of a truth the prophet
that cometh into the world."
We note further that Jesus immediately withdraws
into the mountain after the event, with John's comment
that it was because they wanted to make him king.
But Mark's account also reports that he went up into
the mountain afterward to pray, with no mention of
the question of becoming king. John's story presents
some curious contextual problems; we are told that he
went up into the mountain and sat with his disciples
(v. 3), then the irrelevancy that the Feast of the Passover
was at hand (v. 4), and finally that the five thousand sat
down on the grass (v. 10) which sounds like a flat place
rather than a mountain; then he goes up in the mountain
again (v. 15), implying that he must have come down to
a level place to divide the loaves and fishes anyway. But
finally verse 16 follows verse 3 contextually:
(John 6:3) And Jesus went up into the mountain,
and there he sat with his disciples;
(John 6:16) And when evening came, his disciples
went down unto the sea;
so that it may even be that the story was inserted into
John, lifted from Mark, which is certainly an older
gospel, because of its magical theme.
(John 16-21)
The story of the loaves and fishes is followed
by the story of the walking on the water,
in John as well as in Mark with its parallel in Matthew.
The story is the same in essential details,
including the words of Jesus;
only Matthew reports the detail that Peter tried to walk
also and had to be rescued by Jesus.
But about this tale, as with that of the loaves and fishes,
and water into wine, we must ask,
where or what is the moral teaching? If it is possible
to walk on water, why has no one else since,
though the Christian pantheon is crowded with saints?
Even if Jesus could walk on water, so what? it heals no
one, and teaches us nothing about how to live our lives.
Is it only a symbolic tale, about how Jesus was above our
earthly being? Or did Jesus do it as a sign to prove he
was the Messiah? But that is clearly contradicted by the
Synoptics, where he categorically refuses to give a sign
(Mark 8:12), and says to the elders who question his
authority, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these
things (Mark 11:33).
Again, which report should we believe?
Did Jesus both say he would not give a sign,
and say he would? Is it more likely that Jesus said he
would not, and then his worshipful followers put words
of interpretation into his mouth, or that he said his works
were signs, and someone invented the pronouncement in
Mark 8:12 and Matt 16:4, or Matt.12:39 and Luke 11:29?
Which part of John can we credit, if he misinterprets
Jesus in regards to signs? What are we to think of the
fact that so far in John's narrative we have found only
five miracles, and only two of those which are healings,
and three of which are magical or supernatural, and all
of which are proclaimed as signs, compared with the
report of the Synoptics that he healed many on many
occasions, and that he said it was by their faith? It is true
that the narrative of the Synoptics does report a few
magical occurences, the calming of the storm, the finding
of money in a fish's mouth, the cursing of the fig tree; but
these are obscure and irrelevant in the overall flow of the
Synoptics' narrative and their portrait of Jesus, whereas
John makes them central. Whose picture shall we believe?
or can we believe either? Jesus must have said one or the
other, and not both; and it is much more likely that he
would have said he would give no sign, and his followers
interpreted his works as signs, and made him say that they
were, than that he claimed his works as signs, and the
authors of Matthew, Mark, and Luke invented his refusal
to give a sign. So how much credence ought we to give to
(John 6:22-26)
Here we are told that the people seek for Jesus,
and he scoffs at them for seeking him only because of
eating of the loaves and fishes. Is this the loving and
compassionate man, who said, Blessed are you poor and
hungry, ye are the salt of the earth and light of the world,
and who wept over Jerusalem, as in the following passages?
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which ki1leth the prophets,
and stoneth them that are sent unto thee! how often
would I have gathered thy children together, even as
a mother hen gathereth her own brood under her wings,
and ye would not! (Luke 13:34-35)
And when he drew nigh, he saw the city,
and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst
known in this day, even thou, the things
which belong unto peace! but now they are
hid from thine eyes. (Luke 19:41-42)
Do we accept this Jesus of John who cannot speak
without claiming divinity or disdaining someone,
or the Jesus of the Synoptics who is entirely the
opposite, who says to the women following him to
the cross:
Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me,
but weep for yourselves and your children.
as reported in Luke 23:28?
(John 6:27-70)
Jesus continues with a long discourse
about his being the bread of life, which is argued with
by the people, and we are told that many of his disciples
"went back and walked no more with him". One thing
we have seen about John's narrative is how many
arguments Jesus gets into, and how petulantly he
contradicts and carps at his critics. Certainly the
Synoptics report also that he was an outspoken and
blunt teacher, but the difference is that in those books
Jesus is confident and not petulant or querulous, his
retorts are in everyday images (wells, wineskins,
pennies with pictures of Caesar) rather than in mystical
symbols of bread of heaven and water of life and his
blood and body which they are supposed to eat; and he
never equates himself with God, but consistently and
compassionately speaks to the people of God their
Father. Which is the more believable? or which is the
more admirable? So far in the gospel of John Jesus has
never once referred to God as "thy" Father, as he so
often does in the Synoptics, but has consistently referred
to God as his own Father, or as "the" Father which is
clearly a more evolved theological viewpoint.
Also at this point we may observe that we have
encountered four discourses: with Nicodemus,
with the woman of Samaria, with the Jews in
Jerusalem after healing the lame man, and now with
his disciples about the bread of life. But we still have
not had a single parable, though the Synoptics tell us
that he spoke not but in parables; we have not been told
that the multitudes flocked to hear him, as is reported in
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and in fact the Jesus of John
appears to have been rather arrogant and disdainful of
whom he will speak to, and how; nor have we heard that
he taught far and wide in all their synagogues and with
authority, not as the scribes as reported in the Synoptics.
Now did John simply forget all the parables? or did he
invent the mystical discourses? or did Matthew, Mark
and Luke just overlook them? How can we account for
this pronounced difference in style between the Jesus
of John and of the Synoptics? Can both be true? Can
we reasonably doubt one or the other? Is it more likely
that the simple parables are original, or that the complex
theological symbolism of John is from Jesus? Can we
believe that Jesus said both, and each evangelist
remembered distinct parts which only appeqr to be
irreconcilable, or is it more likely that John is giving us
his interpretation of whatever words he remembered or
were reported to him (since there is no evidence
that the author of John was the disciple John)?
Next chapter